CMOS PREAMPLIFIER; CIRCUITEngineering; Nuclear Science & Technology; Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC); high-time resolution
spectroscopy (HTRS); pile-up rejection (PUR); readout electronics;
silicon drift detector (SDD); X-ray spectroscopy;
A silicon drift detector (SDD) module has been developed to be used in high-time resolution X-ray spectroscopy. The module consists of a 19-cell SDD chip and three readout application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). With respect to timing and energy resolution, the readout ASIC with its programmable setting parameters is characterized. Based on the results of this characterization, analytical rules for these setting parameters are established to obtain the optimum performance of the module. The performance of the module is verified by means of measurements. With the ascertained parameter values and selecting the available shaping time of 1.02 mu s, a minimum time interval of 1.87 mu s between pulses and an energy resolution of 176 eV at 5.9 keV and at a temperature of-30(degrees)C are achieved.