Atom & ion trapping & guiding, Configuration interaction, Electronic structure, Plasma diagnostic techniques, X-ray emission spectroscopy, Laboratory plasma, Trapped ions, Atomic & molecular collisions, Laboratory studies of space & astrophysical plasmas, Total cross sections
We measure the energy-differential cross sections for collisional excitation of the soft x-ray electric-dipole Kα (x + y + w) emission from He-like oxygen (O VII), using an electron beam ion trap. Values near their excitation thresholds were extracted from the observed emissivity by rapidly cycling the energy of the exciting electron beam. This allows us to subtract time-dependent contributions of the forbidden z-line emission to the multiplet. We develop a time-dependent collisional-radiative model to further demonstrate the method and predict all spectral features. We then compare the extracted x + y + w cross sections with calculations based on distorted-wave and R-matrix methods from the literature and our own predictions using the FLEXIBLE ATOMIC CODE . All R-matrix results are validated by our measurements of direct and resonant excitation, supporting the use of such state-of-the-art codes for astrophysical and plasma physics diagnostics.