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Ferroptosis is a form of regulated necrosis characterized by the iron-dependent accumulation of lipid peroxides in cell membranes. However, how lipid oxidation via iron-mediated Fenton reactions affects the biophysical properties of cellular membranes and how these changes contribute to the opening of plasma membrane pores are major questions in the field. Here, we characterized the dynamics of membrane alterations during lipid oxidation induced onsite by Fenton reactions in chemically defined in vitro model membrane systems. We find that lipid vesicle permeabilization kinetically correlates with the appearance of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid oxidation. Iron-induced lipid oxidation also alters the lateral organization of supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) with lipid phase coexistence in a time-dependent manner, reducing the lipid phase mismatch and the circularity of liquid ordered domains, which indicates a decrease in line tension at the phase boundaries. Further analysis of oxidized SLBs by force spectroscopy reveals a significant decrease in the average membrane breakthrough force upon oxidation, resulting from changes in lipid bilayer organization that make it more susceptible to permeabilization. Our findings suggest that lipid oxidation via iron-mediated Fenton-like reactions induces strong changes in membrane lipid interactions and mechanical properties leading to reduced line tension in the permeabilized state of the bilayer, which promotes membrane pore formation.