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  <i>Euclid</i> preparation XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with <i>Euclid</i> and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses

Lesci, G. F., Sereno, M., Radovich, M., Castignani, G., Bisigello, L., Marulli, F., et al. (2024). <i>Euclid</i> preparation XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with <i>Euclid</i> and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 684: A139. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348743.

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Lesci, G. F., Author
Sereno, M., Author
Radovich, M., Author
Castignani, G., Author
Bisigello, L., Author
Marulli, F., Author
Moscardini, L., Author
Baumont, L., Author
Covone, G., Author
Farrens, S., Author
Giocoli, C., Author
Ingoglia, L., Author
La Hera, S. Miranda, Author
Vannier, M., Author
Biviano, A., Author
Maurogordato, S., Author
Aghanim, N., Author
Amara, A., Author
Andreon, S., Author
Auricchio, N., Author
Baldi, M., AuthorBardelli, S., AuthorBender, R.1, Author           Bodendorf, C.1, Author           Bonino, D., AuthorBranchini, E., AuthorBrescia, M., AuthorBrinchmann, J., AuthorCamera, S., AuthorCapobianco, V., AuthorCarbone, C., AuthorCarretero, J., AuthorCasas, S., AuthorCastander, F. J., AuthorCastellano, M., AuthorCavuoti, S., AuthorCimatti, A., AuthorCongedo, G., AuthorConselice, C. J., AuthorConversi, L., AuthorCopin, Y., AuthorCorcione, L., AuthorCourbin, F., AuthorCourtois, H. M., AuthorDa Silva, A., AuthorDegaudenzi, H., AuthorDi Giorgio, A. M., AuthorDinis, J., AuthorDubath, F., AuthorDuncan, C. A. J., AuthorDupac, X., AuthorDusini, S., AuthorFarina, M., AuthorFerriol, S., AuthorFosalba, P., AuthorFotopoulou, S., AuthorFrailis, M., AuthorFranceschi, E., AuthorFranzetti, P., AuthorFumana, M., AuthorGaleotta, S., AuthorGarilli, B., AuthorGillis, B., AuthorGrazian, A., AuthorGrupp, F.1, Author           Haugan, S. V. H., AuthorHook, I., AuthorHormuth, F., AuthorHornstrup, A., AuthorHudelot, P., AuthorJahnke, K., AuthorKummel, M., AuthorKermiche, S., AuthorKiessling, A., AuthorKilbinger, M., AuthorKubik, B., AuthorKunz, M., AuthorKurki-Suonio, H., AuthorLigori, S., AuthorLilje, P. B., AuthorLindholm, V., AuthorLloro, I., AuthorMaiorano, E., AuthorMansutti, O., AuthorMarggraf, O., AuthorMarkovic, K., AuthorMartinet, N., AuthorMassey, R., AuthorMedinaceli, E., AuthorMelchior, M., AuthorMellier, Y., AuthorMeneghetti, M., AuthorMerlin, E., AuthorMeylan, G., AuthorMoresco, M., AuthorMunari, E., AuthorNakajima, R., AuthorNiemi, S. -M., AuthorPadilla, C., AuthorPaltani, S., AuthorPasian, F., AuthorPedersen, K., AuthorPettorino, V., AuthorPires, S., AuthorPolenta, G., AuthorPoncet, M., AuthorPopa, L. A., AuthorPozzetti, L., AuthorRaison, F.1, Author           Rebolo, R., AuthorRenzi, A., AuthorRhodes, J., AuthorRiccio, G., AuthorRomelli, E., AuthorRoncarelli, M., AuthorRossetti, E., AuthorSaglia, R.1, Author           Sapone, D., AuthorSartoris, B., AuthorSchirmer, M., AuthorSchneider, P., AuthorSecroun, A., AuthorSeidel, G., AuthorSerrano, S., AuthorSirignano, C., AuthorSirri, G., AuthorSkottfelt, J., AuthorStanco, L., AuthorStarck, J. -L., AuthorTallada-Crespi, P., AuthorTaylor, A. N., AuthorTeplitz, H. I., AuthorTereno, I., AuthorToledo-Moreo, R., AuthorTorradeflot, F., AuthorTutusaus, I., AuthorValentijn, E. A., AuthorValenziano, L., AuthorVassallo, T., AuthorVeropalumbo, A., AuthorWang, Y., AuthorWeller, J.1, Author           Zacchei, A., AuthorZamorani, G., AuthorZoubian, J., AuthorZucca, E., AuthorBolzonella, M., AuthorBozzo, E., AuthorColodro-Conde, C., AuthorDi Ferdinando, D., AuthorGracia-Carpio, J.2, Author           Marcin, S., AuthorMauri, N., AuthorNeissner, C., AuthorNucita, A. A., AuthorSakr, Z., AuthorScottez, V., AuthorTenti, M., AuthorViel, M., AuthorWiesmann, M., AuthorAkrami, Y., AuthorAnselmi, S., AuthorBaccigalupi, C., AuthorBallardini, M., AuthorBorgani, S., AuthorBorla, A. S., AuthorBruton, S., AuthorBurigana, C., AuthorCabanac, R., AuthorCalabro, A., AuthorCappi, A., AuthorCarvalho, C. S., AuthorCastro, T., AuthorCanas-Herrera, G., AuthorChambers, K. C., AuthorCooray, A. R., AuthorCoupon, J., AuthorCucciati, O., AuthorDavini, S., Authorde la Torre, S., AuthorDe Lucia, G., AuthorDesprez, G., AuthorDi Domizio, S., AuthorDole, H., AuthorDiaz-Sanchez, A., AuthorVigo, J. A. Escartin, AuthorFfi, Esco, AuthorFerrero, I., AuthorFinelli, F., AuthorGabarra, L., AuthorGanga, K., AuthorGarcia-Bellido, J., AuthorGiacomini, F., AuthorGozaliasl, G., AuthorGwyn, S., AuthorHildebrandt, H., AuthorHuertas-Company, M., AuthorMunoz, A. Jimenez, AuthorKajava, J. J. E., AuthorKansal, V., AuthorKirkpatrick, C. C., AuthorLegrand, L., AuthorLoureiro, A., AuthorMacias-Perez, J., AuthorMagliocchetti, M., AuthorMainetti, G., AuthorMaoli, R., AuthorMartinelli, M., AuthorMartins, C. J. A. P., AuthorMatthew, S., AuthorMaturi, M., AuthorMaurin, L., AuthorMetcalf, R. B., AuthorMigliaccio, M., AuthorMonaco, P., AuthorMorgante, G., AuthorNadathur, S., AuthorPatrizii, L., AuthorPezzotta, A.3, Author           Porciani, C., AuthorPotter, D., AuthorPontinen, M., AuthorReimberg, P., AuthorRocci, P. -F., AuthorSanchez, A. G.1, Author           Schneider, A., AuthorSchultheis, M., AuthorSefusatti, E., AuthorSimon, P., AuthorMancini, A. Spurio, AuthorStanford, S. A., AuthorSteinwagner, J.1, Author           Testera, G., AuthorTeyssier, R., AuthorToft, S., AuthorTosi, S., AuthorTroja, A., AuthorTucci, M., AuthorValiviita, J., AuthorVergani, D., Author more..
1Optical and Interpretative Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159895              
2Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159889              
3MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159888              




 Dates: 2024-04-17
 Publication Status: Published online
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Source Genre: Journal
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Pages: - Volume / Issue: 684 Sequence Number: A139 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-6361