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Chromosomal inversions are frequently associated with local adaptation in various organisms. On a Swedish island, two ecotypes of the flat periwinkle Littorina fabalis have been observed: a small ecotype on sheltered shores and a large ecotype on moderately exposed shores. These ecotypes apparently diverged over a long period in allopatry before coming into secondary contact and can be identified by 12 putative inversion polymorphisms across their genome. We use haplotagging, a scalable linked-read method for large populations, and Illumina whole genome sequencing to test if the same inversion arrangements exist in UK and Iberian populations and if they show similar LD and correlate similarly with size and wave exposure gradients as in the Swedish populations. Comparing genome-wide inversion coupling among populations will reveal the role of the inversions in local adaptation and speciation across the species range of Littorina fabalis.