Antiferromagnetism, Carrier concentration, Hall effect, MOS devices, Semiconducting indium phosphide, Anomalous hall effects, Antiferromagnetic semiconductors, Antiferromagnets, Electronic transport properties, Hopping transport, Magnetic-field, Non-coplanar, Real-space, Spin chirality, Structural chirality, Chirality
The combination of structural chirality and magnetism leads to the formation of spin chirality through noncoplanar magnetic structures, resulting in unusual electronic transport properties. The spin chirality generates nonzero Berry curvature in real space, acting as an emergent magnetic field and contributing to the unconventional anomalous Hall effect, known as the geometrical or topological Hall effect (THE). This study unveils the remarkable occurrence of THE in a chiral antiferromagnetic (AFM) semiconductor EuIr2P2 in the hopping regime. It exhibits a complex incommensurately spiral AFM ground state due to its chiral crystalline structure, providing fertile ground for the emergence of topologically nontrivial spin textures such as skyrmions. A substantial THE is observed under finite magnetic fields, making EuIr2P2 an exceptional case within the ultralow-conductivity hopping regime for investigating the interplay between topologically nontrivial magnetic structures and hopping carriers. Owing to its semiconducting nature, we have formulated a theoretical model based on Mott's variable range-hopping mechanism, effectively elucidating the temperature and magnetic field-dependent behavior of THE. EuIr2P2 thus serves as an ideal candidate for comprehending transport properties in the hopping regime and offers a unique opportunity for the implementation of AFM semiconductor-based spintronic devices. © 2024 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the ""Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Open access publication funded by Max Planck Society.