Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE
We examine nucleosynthesis in the ejecta of black hole-neutron star mergers
based on the results of long-term neutrino-radiation-magnetohydrodynamics
simulations for the first time. We find that the combination of dynamical and
post-merger ejecta reproduces a solar-like r-process pattern. Moreover, the
enhancement level of actinides is highly sensitive to the distribution of both
electron fraction and the velocity of the dynamical ejecta. Our result implies
that the mean electron fraction of dynamical ejecta should be >~ 0.05 in order
to reconcile the nucleosynthetic abundances with those in r-process-enhanced,
actinide-boost stars. Since the tidal ejecta preserve the neutron-richness in
the inner crust of pre-merging neutron stars, this result provides an important
constraint for nuclear equations of state, if black hole-neutron star mergers
are responsible for actinide-boost stars.