eng - English
x, 148
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe:
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
1 Political economy discovered
1.1 Substantive preoccupations and conceptual approaches
1.2 The emergence of industrial capitalism and of political economy
1.3 The subjective revolution: marginalism and ideas
1.4 The whole is more than the sum: The Great Depression and macro political economy
1.5 ‘But not under conditions of their own choice’: institutions reflect the growing role of rules
1.6 The empire strikes back: from political economy to political economics
1.7 Political economy reinvented: neo-institutionalism
1.8 Neo-constructivism: post-modernism meets political economy
1.9 Conclusion: living in the eclectic age
2 Capitalism and democracy
2.1 Democratic capitalism: symbiotic twins or an estranged marriage?
2.2 The myth of free markets: how do capitalism and democracy interact?
2.3 The many shades of democratic capitalism
2.4 Real existing democratic capitalism in action
2.5 Conclusion
3 Interests make the world go around
3.1 The central role of structures in defining interests
3.2 Subjective interests: the pursuit of happiness
3.3 Rational choice: in pursuit of understanding the pursuit of happiness
3.4 Rational choice in practice: the problem of cooperation
3.5 The limits of rational choice
3.6 Conclusion
4 The power of ideas in political economy
4.1 The ‘ideational turn’ in political economy
4.2 The role of ideas on the road to EMU
4.3 Ideas as causes: race and gender
4.4 Conclusion
5 Institutions and the wealth of nations
5.1 What are institutions and (how) do they matter?
5.2 Institutions as causes and refractors
5.3 When and how do institutions change?
5.4 Institutions and gender: those who design matter
5.5 Conclusion
6 Markets and their failures
6.1 What is a market?
6.2 The centrality of markets and the limits of non-market exchange
6.3 Information asymmetries and the failure of markets: adverse selection and moral hazard
6.4 Externalities, public goods and public bads
6.5 Conclusion
7 The welfare state between state, market and society
7.1 What is the welfare state?
7.2 The current problems of the welfare state
7.3 The problems of reform
7.4 Conclusion
8 Why are some democracies more unequal than others?
8.1 Why do the poor not soak the rich?
8.2 Between knowing and expecting: rational voter models
8.3 Why are not all democracies equally unequal: institutionalist perspectives
8.4 How the rich soak the poor: collective action and interest representation
8.5 Is it the economy, stupid? Ideas and identity shaping democratic outcomes
8.6 Conclusion
9 Coordination and cooperation in an interdependent world
9.1 Joint-decision traps: the complexities of federalism
9.2 Let the two-level games begin!
9.3 Common pool resources: governing the commons
9.4 Implications of joint-decision traps and two-level games
9.5 Conclusion
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