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B Physics, CKM Angle Gamma, CP Violation, Hadron-Hadron Scattering
LHCb - Abteilung Hinton
Measurements of CP observables and the CKM angle γ are performed in B± → DK∗(892)± decays, where D represents a superposition of D0 and D0 states, us- ing the LHCb dataset collected during Run 1 (2011–2012) and Run 2 (2015–2018). A study of this channel is presented with the D meson reconstructed in two-body final states K±π∓, K+K− and π+π−; four-body final states K±π∓π±π∓ and π+π−π+π−; and three- body final states KS0π+π− and KS0K+K−. This analysis includes the first observation of the suppressed B± → [π±K∓]DK∗± and B± → [π±K∓π±π∓]DK∗± decays. The combined result gives γ = (63 ± 13)◦.