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High Energy Physics - Theory, hep-th
A simple BRST-closed expression for the color-ordered super-Yang-Mills
5-point amplitude at tree-level is proposed in pure spinor superspace and shown
to be BRST-equivalent to the field theory limit of the open superstring 5-pt
amplitude. It is manifestly cyclic invariant and each one of its five terms can
be associated to the five Feynman diagrams which use only cubic vertices. Its
form also suggests an empirical method to find superspace expressions in the
cohomology of the pure spinor BRST operator for higher-point amplitudes based
on their kinematic pole structure. Using this method, Ansaetze for the 6- and
7-point 10D super-Yang-Mills amplitudes which map to their 14 and 42
color-ordered diagrams are conjectured and their 6- and 7-gluon expansions are
explicitly computed.