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  Joint LIGO and TAMA300 search for gravitational waves from inspiralling neutron star binaries

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, TAMA Collaboration, Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., et al. (2006). Joint LIGO and TAMA300 search for gravitational waves from inspiralling neutron star binaries. Physical Review D., 73(10): 102002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.73.102002.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
TAMA Collaboration, Author              
Abbott, B., Author
Abbott, R.1, Author
Adhikari, R.1, Author
Ageev, A.1, Author
Agresti, Juri1, Author
Ajith, P.2, Author
Allen, B.3, Author           
Allen, J.1, Author
Amin, R.1, Author
Anderson, S. B.1, Author
Anderson, W. G.1, Author
Araya, M.1, Author
Armandula, H.1, Author
Ashley, M.1, Author
Asiri, F.1, Author
Aufmuth, Peter4, Author           
Aulbert, C.3, Author           
Babak, Stanislav5, Author           
Balasubramanian, R.1, Author Ballmer, S.1, Author Barish, B. C.1, Author Barker, C.1, Author Barker, D.1, Author Barnes, M.1, Author Barr, B. W.1, Author Barton, M. A.1, Author Bayer, K.1, Author Beausoleil, R.1, Author Belczynski, K.1, Author Bennett, R.1, Author Berukoff, Steven J.6, Author Betzwieser, J.1, Author Bhawal, B.1, Author Bilenko, I. A.1, Author Billingsley, G.1, Author Black, E.1, Author Blackburn, K.1, Author Blackburn, L.1, Author Bland, B.1, Author Bochner, B.1, Author Bogue, L.1, Author Bork, Rolf1, Author Bose, Sukanta1, Author Brady, Patrick R.1, Author Braginsky, V. B.1, Author Brau, J. E.1, Author Brown, Duncan A.1, Author Bullington, A.1, Author Bunkowski, Alexander2, AuthorBuonanno, A.7, Author            Burgess, R.1, Author Busby, D.1, Author Butler, W. E.1, Author Byer, R. L.1, Author Cadonati, L.1, Author Cagnoli, G.1, Author Camp, J. B.1, Author Cannizzo, J.1, Author Cannon, K.1, Author Cantley, C. A.1, Author Cao, J.1, Author Cardenas, L.1, Author Carter, K.1, Author Casey, Morag M.1, Author Castiglione, J.1, Author Chandler, A.1, Author Chapsky, J.1, Author Charlton, P.1, Author Chatterji, S.1, Author Chelkowski, Simon2, AuthorChen, Y.5, Author            Chickarmane, V.1, Author Chin, D.1, Author Christensen, Nelson1, Author Churches, D.1, Author Cokelaer, T.1, Author Colacino, Carlo Nicola1, Author Coldwell, R.1, Author Coles, M.1, Author Cook, D.1, Author Corbitt, Thomas1, Author Coyne, D.1, Author Creighton, Jolien D. E.1, Author Creighton, Teviet D.1, Author Crooks, D. R. M.1, Author Csatorday, P.1, Author Cusack, B. J.1, Author Cutler, Curt6, Author Dalrymple, J.1, Author D'Ambrosio, Erika1, AuthorDanzmann, K.4, Author            Davies, G.1, Author Daw, Edward J.1, Author DeBra, D.1, Author Delker, T.1, Author Dergachev, V.1, Author Desai, S.1, Author DeSalvo, R.1, Author Dhurandhar, Sanjeev1, Author Di Credico, A.1, Author Diaz, M.1, Author Ding, H.1, Author Drever, R. W. P.1, Author Dupuis, R. J.1, Author Edlund, J. A.1, Author Ehrens, P.1, Author Elliffe, E. J.1, Author Etzel, T.1, Author Evans, M.1, Author Evans, T.1, Author Fairhurst, Stephen1, Author Fallnich, Carsten1, Author Farnham, D.1, Author Fejer, M. M.1, Author Findley, T.1, Author Fine, M.1, Author Finn, Lee S.1, Author Franzen, K. Y.1, Author Freise, Andreas2, Author Frey, R.1, Author Fritschel, P.1, Author Frolov, V. V.1, Author Fyffe, M.1, Author Ganezer, K. S.1, Author Garofoli, J.1, Author Giaime, J. A.1, Author Gillespie, A.1, Author Goda, Keisuke1, Author Goggin, Lisa M.1, Author Gonzalez, Gabriela1, AuthorGossler, S.4, Author            Grandclement, P.1, Author Grant, A.1, Author Gray, C.1, Author Gretarsson, A. M.1, Author Grimmett, D.1, AuthorGrote, H.4, Author           Grunewald, S.5, Author            Guenther, Mathias1, Author Gustafson, E. K.1, Author Gustafson, R.1, Author Hamilton, W. O.1, Author Hammond, M.1, Author Hanna, Chad1, Author Hanson, J.1, Author Hardham, C.1, Author Harms, Jan1, Author Harry, G.1, Author Hartunian, A.1, Author Heefner, J.1, Author Hefetz, Y.1, AuthorHeinzel, G.4, Author            Heng, Ik Siong1, Author Hennessy, M.1, Author Hepler, N.1, Author Heptonstall, A.1, AuthorHeurs, M.4, Author           Hewitson, M.3, Author           Hild, S.4, Author            Hindman, N.1, Author Hoang, P.1, Author Hough, J.1, Author Hrynevych, M.1, Author Hua, W.1, Author Ito, M.1, Author Itoh, Yousuke6, Author Ivanov, A.1, Author Jennrich, Oliver1, Author Johnson, B.1, Author Johnson, W. W.1, Author Johnston, W. R.1, Author Jones, David Ian1, Author Jones, G.1, Author Jones, L.1, Author Jungwirth, D.1, Author Kalogera, V.1, Author Katsavounidis, E.1, Author Kawabe, Keita1, Author Kells, W.1, Author Kern, J.1, Author Khan, A.1, Author Killbourn, S.1, Author Killow, Christian J.1, Author Kim, C.1, Author King, C.1, AuthorKing, Peter4, Author            Klimenko, S.1, Author Koranda, S.1, Author Kötter, K.1, Author Kovalik, J.1, Author Kozak, D.1, AuthorKrishnan, B.5, Author            Landry, Michael1, Author Langdale, J.1, Author Lantz, B.1, Author Lawrence, R.1, Author Lazzarini, Albert1, Author Lei, M.1, Author Leonor, I.1, Author Libbrecht, K.1, Author Libson, A.1, Author Lindquist, P.1, Author Liu, S.1, Author Logan, J. E.1, Author Lormand, M.1, Author Lubinski, M.1, AuthorLück, H.4, Author            Luna, M.1, Author Lyons, T. T.1, AuthorMachenschalk, B.3, Author            MacInnis, M.1, Author Mageswaran, M.1, Author Mailand, K.1, Author Majid, W.1, Author Malec, Michaela2, Author Mandic, V.1, Author Mann, F.1, Author Marin, A.1, Author Marka, S.1, Author Maros, E.1, Author Mason, J.1, Author Mason, K.1, Author Matherny, O.1, Author Matone, L.1, Author Mavalvala, N.1, Author McCarthy, R.1, Author McClelland, D. E.1, Author McHugh, Martin1, Author McNabb, J. W. C.1, Author Melissinos, A.1, Author Mendell, Gregory1, Author Mercer, R. A.1, Author Meshkov, S.1, Author Messaritaki, E.1, AuthorMessenger, C.3, Author            Mikhailov, E.1, Author Mitra, S.1, Author Mitrofanov, V. P.1, Author Mitselmakher, G.1, Author Mittleman, R.1, Author Miyakawa, O.1, Author Mohanty, Soumya1, Author Moreno, G.1, AuthorMossavi, K.4, Author            Müller, G.1, Author Mukherjee, Soma1, Author Murray, P.1, Author Myers, E.1, Author Myers, J.1, Author Nagano, S.2, Author Nash, T.1, Author Nayak, R.1, Author Newton, G.1, Author Nocera, F.1, Author Noel, J. S.1, Author Nutzman, P.1, Author Olson, T.1, Author O'Reilly, B.1, Author Ottaway, D. J.1, Author Ottewill, A.1, Author Ouimette, D.1, Author Overmier, H.1, Author Owen, B. J.1, Author Pan, Y.1, AuthorPapa, Maria Alessandra5, Author            Parameshwaraiah, V.1, Author Parameswariah, C.1, Author Pedraza, M.1, Author Penn, S.1, Author Pitkin, Matthew1, Author Plissi, M.1, AuthorPrix, R.3, Author            Quetschke, V.1, Author Raab, F.1, Author Radkins, H.1, Author Rahkola, R.1, Author Rakhmanov, M.1, Author Rao, S. R.1, Author Rawlins, K.1, Author Ray-Majumder, S.1, Author Re, V.1, Author Redding, D.1, Author Regehr, M. W.1, Author Regimbau, T.1, Author Reid, S.1, Author Reilly, K. T.1, Author Reithmaier, K.1, Author Reitze, D. H.1, Author Richman, S.1, Author Riesen, R.1, Author Riles, K.1, Author Rivera, B.1, Author Rizzi, A.1, Author Robertson, D. I.1, Author Robertson, N. A.1, Author Robinson, C.1, Author Robison, L.1, Author Roddy, S.1, Author Rodriguez, A.1, Author Rollins, J.1, Author Romano, J. D.1, Author Romie, J.1, Author Rong, H.1, Author Rose, D.1, Author Rotthoff, E.1, Author Rowan, S.1, AuthorRüdiger, A.4, Author            Ruet, L.1, Author Russell, P.1, Author Ryan, K.1, Author Salzman, I.1, Author Sandberg, V.1, Author Sanders, G. H.1, Author Sannibale, V.1, Author Sarin, P.1, Author Sathyaprakash, B.1, Author Saulson, P. R.1, Author Savage, R.1, Author Sazonov, A.1, AuthorSchilling, R.4, Author            Schlaufman, K.1, Author Schmidt, V.1, AuthorSchnabel, R.4, Author            Schofield, R.1, AuthorSchutz, B. F.5, Author            Schwinberg, P.1, Author Scott, S. M.1, Author Seader, S. E.1, Author Searle, A. C.1, Author Sears, B.1, Author Seel, S.1, AuthorSeifert, F.4, Author            Sellers, D.1, Author Sengupta, A. S.1, Author Shapiro, C. A.1, Author Shawhan, P.1, Author Shoemaker, D. H.1, Author Shu, Q. Z.1, Author Sibley, A.1, Author Siemens, X.1, Author Sievers, L.1, Author Sigg, D.1, AuthorSintes, A. M.5, Author            Smith, J. R.2, Author Smith, M.1, Author Smith, M. R.1, Author Sneddon, P. H.1, Author Spero, R.1, Author Spjeld, O.1, Author Stapfer, G.1, Author Steussy, D.1, AuthorStrain, K. A.4, Author            Strom, D.1, Author Stuver, A.1, Author Summerscales, T.1, Author Sumner, M. C.1, Author Sung, M.1, Author Sutton, P. J.1, Author Sylvestre, J.1, Author Tanner, D. B.1, Author Tariq, H.1, Author Tarallo, M.1, Author Taylor, I.1, Author Taylor, R.1, Author Taylor, R.1, Author Thorne, K. A.1, Author Thorne, K. S.1, Author Tibbits, M.1, Author Tilav, S.1, Author Tinto, M.1, Author Tokmakov, K. V.1, Author Torres, C.1, Author Torrie, C.1, Author Traylor, G.1, Author Tyler, W.1, Author Ugolini, D.1, Author Ungarelli, C.1, Author Vallisneri, M.1, Authorvan Putten, M.1, Author Vass, S.1, Author Vecchio, A.1, Author Veitch, J.1, Author Vorvick, C.1, Author Vyachanin, S. P.1, Author Wallace, L.1, Author Walther, H.1, Author Ward, H.1, Author Ward, R.1, Author Ware, B.1, Author Watts, K.1, Author Webber, D.1, AuthorWeidner, A.4, Author            Weiland, U.1, Author Weinstein, A.1, Author Weiss, R.1, Author Welling, H.1, Author Wen, L.6, Author Wen, S.1, AuthorWette, K.3, Author           Whelan, J. T.5, Author            Whitcomb, S. E.1, Author Whiting, B. F.1, Author Wiley, S.1, Author Wilkinson, C.1, Author Willems, P. A.1, Author Williams, P. R.6, Author Williams, R.1, AuthorWillke, B.4, Author            Wilson, A.1, Author Winjum, B. J.1, AuthorWinkler, W.4, Author            Wise, S.1, Author Wiseman, A. G.1, Author Woan, G.1, Author Woods, D.1, Author Wooley, R.1, Author Worden, J.1, Author Wu, W.1, Author Yakushin, I.1, Author Yamamoto, H.1, AuthorYoshida, S.5, Author            Zaleski, K. D.1, Author Zanolin, M.1, Author Zawischa, I.1, Author Zhang, L.1, Author Zhu, R.6, Author Zotov, N.1, Author Zucker, M.1, Author Zweizig, J.1, Author Akutsu, T.1, Author Akutsu, T.1, Author Ando, M.1, Author Arai, K.1, Author Araya, A.1, Author Asada, H.1, Author Aso, Y.1, Author Beyersdorf, P. T.1, Author Fujiki, Y.1, Author Fujimoto, M. K.1, Author Fujita, R.1, Author Fukushima, Mitsuhiro1, Author Futamase, Toshifumi1, Author Hamuro, Y.1, Author Haruyama, Tomiyoshi1, AuthorHayama, K.3, Author            Iguchi, H.1, Author Iida, Y.1, Author Ioka, K.1, Author Ishitsuka, H.1, Author Kamikubota, N.1, Author Kanda, Nobuyuki1, Author Kaneyama, T.1, Author Karasawa, Y.1, Author Kasahara, K.1, Author Kasai, T.1, Author Katsuki, M.1, Author Kawamura, Seiji1, Author Kawamura, M.1, AuthorKawazoe, F.4, Author            Kojima, Yasufumi1, Author Kokeyama, Keiko1, Author Kondo, K.1, Author Kozai, Y.1, Author Kudoh, H.1, Author Kuroda, Kazuaki1, Author Kuwabara, T.1, Author Matsuda, N.1, Author Mio, N.1, Author Miura, K.1, Author Miyama, S.1, Author Miyoki, Shinji1, Author Mizusawa, H.1, Author Moriwaki, S.1, Author Musha, M.1, Author Nagayama, Y.1, Author Nakagawa, K.1, Author Nakamura, T.1, Author Nakano, Hiroyuki1, Author Nakao, K.1, Author Nishi, Y.1, Author Numata, K.1, Author Ogawa, Y.1, Author Ohashi, M.1, Author Ohishi, N.1, Author Okutomi, A.1, Author Oohara, K.1, Author Otsuka, S.1, Author Saito, Y.1, Author Sakata, S.1, Author Sasaki, M.1, Author Sato, N.1, Author Sato, S.1, Author Sato, Y.1, Author Sato, K.1, Author Sekido, A.1, Author Seto, N.1, Author Shibata, Masaru1, Author Shinkai, H.1, Author Shintomi, T.1, Author Soida, K.1, AuthorSomiya, K.4, Author            Suzuki, T.1, Author Tagoshi, H.1, Author Takahashi, H.1, Author Takahashi, R.1, Author Takamori, A.1, Author Takemoto, S.1, Author Takeno, K.1, Author Tanaka, T.1, Author Taniguchi, K.1, Author Tanji, T.1, Author Tatsumi, D.1, Author Telada, S.1, Author Tokunari, M.1, Author Tomaru, T.1, Author Tsubono, K.1, Author Tsuda, N.1, Author Tsunesada, Y.1, Author Uchiyama, T.1, Author Ueda, K.1, Author Ueda, A.1, Author Waseda, K.1, Author Yamamoto, A.1, AuthorYamamoto, K.4, Author            Yamazaki, T.1, Author Yanagi, Y.1, Author Yokoyama, J.1, Author Yoshida, T.1, Author Zhu, Z. H.1, Author more..
1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Hannover, DE, ou_24009              
3Observational Relativity and Cosmology, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24011              
4Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              
5Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Golm, DE, ou_24013              
6AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Golm, DE, ou_24008              
7Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              


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 Abstract: We search for coincident gravitational wave signals from inspiralling neutron star binaries using LIGO and TAMA300 data taken during early 2003. Using a simple trigger exchange method, we perform an intercollaboration coincidence search during times when TAMA300 and only one of the LIGO sites were operational. We find no evidence of any gravitational wave signals. We place an observational upper limit on the rate of binary neutron star coalescence with component masses between 1 and 3M[sun] of 49 per year per Milky Way equivalent galaxy at a 90% confidence level. The methods developed during this search will find application in future network inspiral analyses.


 Dates: 2006-052006
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.102002
eDoc: 297753
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Physical Review D.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Lancaster, Pa. : Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 73 (10) Sequence Number: 102002 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1550-7998