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  Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, TAMA Collaboration, Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R., Ageev, A., et al. (2005). Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts. Physical Review D, 72(12): 122004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.72.122004.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
TAMA Collaboration, Author              
Abbott, B., Author
Abbott, R.1, Author
Adhikari, R.1, Author
Ageev, A.1, Author
Agresti, Juri1, Author
Ajith, P.2, Author
Allen, B.3, Author           
Allen, J.1, Author
Amin, R.1, Author
Anderson, S. B.1, Author
Anderson, W. G.1, Author
Araya, M.1, Author
Armandula, H.1, Author
Ashley, M.1, Author
Asiri, F.1, Author
Aufmuth, Peter4, Author           
Aulbert, C.3, Author           
Babak, Stanislav5, Author           
Balasubramanian, R.1, AuthorBallmer, S.1, AuthorBarish, B. C.1, AuthorBarker, C.1, AuthorBarker, D.1, AuthorBarnes, M.1, AuthorBarr, B. W.1, AuthorBarton, M. A.1, AuthorBayer, K.1, AuthorBeausoleil, R.1, AuthorBelczynski, K.1, AuthorBennett, R.1, AuthorBerukoff, Steven J.6, AuthorBetzwieser, J.1, AuthorBhawal, B.1, AuthorBilenko, I. A.1, AuthorBillingsley, G.1, AuthorBlack, E.1, AuthorBlackburn, K.1, AuthorBlackburn, L.1, AuthorBland, B.1, AuthorBochner, B.1, AuthorBogue, L.1, AuthorBork, Rolf4, AuthorBose, Sukanta3, AuthorBrady, Patrick R.1, AuthorBraginsky, V. B.1, AuthorBrau, J. E.1, AuthorBrown, Duncan A.1, AuthorBullington, A.1, AuthorBunkowski, Alexander2, AuthorBuonanno, A.7, Author           Burgess, R.1, AuthorBusby, D.1, AuthorButler, W. E.1, AuthorByer, R. L.1, AuthorCadonati, L.1, AuthorCagnoli, G.1, AuthorCamp, J. B.1, AuthorCannizzo, J.1, AuthorCannon, K.1, AuthorCantley, C. A.1, AuthorCao, J.1, AuthorCardenas, L.1, AuthorCarter, K.1, AuthorCasey, Morag M.1, AuthorCastiglione, J.1, AuthorChandler, A.1, AuthorChapsky, J.1, AuthorCharlton, P.1, AuthorChatterji, S.1, AuthorChelkowski, Simon2, AuthorChen, Y.5, Author           Chickarmane, V.1, AuthorChin, D.1, AuthorChristensen, Nelson1, AuthorChurches, D.1, AuthorCokelaer, T.1, AuthorColacino, Carlo Nicola1, AuthorColdwell, R.1, AuthorColes, M.1, AuthorCook, D.1, AuthorCorbitt, Thomas1, AuthorCoyne, D.1, AuthorCreighton, Jolien D. E.1, AuthorCreighton, Teviet D.1, AuthorCrooks, D. R. M.1, AuthorCsatorday, P.1, AuthorCusack, B. J.1, AuthorCutler, Curt6, AuthorDalrymple, J.1, AuthorD'Ambrosio, Erika1, AuthorDanzmann, K.4, Author           Davies, G.1, AuthorDaw, Edward J.1, AuthorDeBra, D.1, AuthorDelker, T.1, AuthorDergachev, V.1, AuthorDesai, S.1, AuthorDeSalvo, R.1, AuthorDhurandhar, Sanjeev1, AuthorDi Credico, A.1, AuthorDiaz, M.1, AuthorDing, H.1, AuthorDrever, R. W. P.1, AuthorDupuis, R. J.1, AuthorEdlund, J. A.1, AuthorEhrens, P.1, AuthorElliffe, E. J.1, AuthorEtzel, T.1, AuthorEvans, M.1, AuthorEvans, T.1, AuthorFairhurst, Stephen1, AuthorFallnich, Carsten1, AuthorFarnham, D.1, AuthorFejer, M. M.1, AuthorFindley, T.1, AuthorFine, M.1, AuthorFinn, Lee S.1, AuthorFranzen, K. Y.1, AuthorFreise, Andreas2, AuthorFrey, R.1, AuthorFritschel, P.1, AuthorFrolov, V. V.1, AuthorFyffe, M.1, AuthorGanezer, K. S.1, AuthorGarofoli, J.1, AuthorGiaime, J. A.1, AuthorGillespie, A.1, AuthorGoda, Keisuke1, AuthorGoggin, Lisa M.1, AuthorGonzalez, Gabriela1, AuthorGossler, S.4, Author           Grandclement, P.1, AuthorGrant, A.1, AuthorGray, C.1, AuthorGretarsson, A. M.1, AuthorGrimmett, D.1, AuthorGrote, H.4, Author           Grunewald, S.5, Author           Guenther, Mathias1, AuthorGustafson, E. K.1, AuthorGustafson, R.1, AuthorHamilton, W. O.1, AuthorHammond, M.1, AuthorHanna, Chad1, AuthorHanson, J.1, AuthorHardham, C.1, AuthorHarms, Jan1, AuthorHarry, G.1, AuthorHartunian, A.1, AuthorHeefner, J.1, AuthorHefetz, Y.1, AuthorHeinzel, Gerhard4, Author           Heng, Ik Siong1, AuthorHennessy, M.1, AuthorHepler, N.1, AuthorHeptonstall, A.1, AuthorHeurs, M.4, Author           Hewitson, M.3, Author           Hild, S.4, Author           Hindman, N.1, AuthorHoang, P.1, AuthorHough, J.1, AuthorHrynevych, M.1, AuthorHua, W.1, AuthorIto, M.1, AuthorItoh, Yousuke6, AuthorIvanov, A.1, AuthorJennrich, Oliver1, AuthorJohnson, B.1, AuthorJohnson, W. W.1, AuthorJohnston, W. R.1, AuthorJones, David Ian1, AuthorJones, G.1, AuthorJones, L.1, AuthorJungwirth, D.1, AuthorKalogera, V.1, AuthorKatsavounidis, E.1, AuthorKawabe, Keita1, AuthorKells, W.1, AuthorKern, J.1, AuthorKhan, A.1, AuthorKillbourn, S.1, AuthorKillow, Christian J.1, AuthorKim, C.1, AuthorKing, C.1, AuthorKing, Peter4, Author           Klimenko, S.1, AuthorKoranda, S.1, AuthorKötter, Karsten1, AuthorKovalik, J.1, AuthorKozak, D.1, AuthorKrishnan, B.5, Author           Landry, Michael1, AuthorLangdale, J.1, AuthorLantz, B.1, AuthorLawrence, R.1, AuthorLazzarini, Albert1, AuthorLei, M.1, AuthorLeonor, I.1, AuthorLibbrecht, K.1, AuthorLibson, A.1, AuthorLindquist, P.1, AuthorLiu, S.1, AuthorLogan, J. E.1, AuthorLormand, M.1, AuthorLubinski, M.1, AuthorLück, Harald4, Author           Luna, M.1, AuthorLyons, T. T.1, AuthorMachenschalk, B.3, Author           MacInnis, M.1, AuthorMageswaran, M.1, AuthorMailand, K.1, AuthorMajid, W.1, AuthorMalec, Michaela2, AuthorMandic, V.1, AuthorMann, F.1, AuthorMarin, A.1, AuthorMarka, S.1, AuthorMaros, E.1, AuthorMason, J.1, AuthorMason, K.1, AuthorMatherny, O.1, AuthorMatone, L.1, AuthorMavalvala, N.1, AuthorMcCarthy, R.1, AuthorMcClelland, D. E.1, AuthorMcHugh, Martin1, AuthorMcNabb, J. W. C.1, AuthorMelissinos, A.1, AuthorMendell, Gregory1, AuthorMercer, R. A.1, AuthorMeshkov, S.1, AuthorMessaritaki, E.1, AuthorMessenger, C.3, Author           Mikhailov, E.1, AuthorMitra, S.1, AuthorMitrofanov, V. P.1, AuthorMitselmakher, G.1, AuthorMittleman, R.1, AuthorMiyakawa, O.1, AuthorMohanty, Soumya1, AuthorMoreno, G.1, AuthorMossavi, K.4, Author           Müller, G.1, AuthorMukherjee, Soma1, AuthorMurray, P.1, AuthorMyers, E.1, AuthorMyers, J.1, AuthorNagano, S.2, AuthorNash, T.1, AuthorNayak, R.1, AuthorNewton, G.1, AuthorNocera, F.1, AuthorNoel, J. S.1, AuthorNutzman, P.1, AuthorOlson, T.1, AuthorO'Reilly, B.1, AuthorOttaway, D. J.1, AuthorOttewill, A.1, AuthorOuimette, D.1, AuthorOvermier, H.1, AuthorOwen, B. J.1, AuthorPan, Y.1, AuthorPapa, M A.5, Author           Parameshwaraiah, V.1, AuthorParameswariah, C.1, AuthorPedraza, M.1, AuthorPenn, S.1, AuthorPitkin, Matthew1, AuthorPlissi, M.1, AuthorPrix, R.3, Author           Quetschke, V.1, AuthorRaab, F.1, AuthorRadkins, H.1, AuthorRahkola, R.1, AuthorRakhmanov, M.1, AuthorRao, S. R.1, AuthorRawlins, K.1, AuthorRay-Majumder, S.1, AuthorRe, V.1, AuthorRedding, D.1, AuthorRegehr, M. W.1, AuthorRegimbau, T.1, AuthorReid, S.1, AuthorReilly, K. T.1, AuthorReithmaier, K.1, AuthorReitze, D. H.1, AuthorRichman, S.1, AuthorRiesen, R.1, AuthorRiles, K.1, AuthorRivera, B.1, AuthorRizzi, A.1, AuthorRobertson, D. I.1, AuthorRobertson, N. A.1, AuthorRobinson, C.1, AuthorRobison, L.1, AuthorRoddy, S.1, AuthorRodriguez, A.1, AuthorRollins, J.1, AuthorRomano, J. 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R.1, AuthorSneddon, P. H.1, AuthorSpero, R.1, AuthorSpjeld, O.1, AuthorStapfer, G.1, AuthorSteussy, D.1, AuthorStrain, K. A.4, Author           Strom, D.1, AuthorStuver, A.1, AuthorSummerscales, T.1, AuthorSumner, M. C.1, AuthorSung, M.1, AuthorSutton, P. J.1, AuthorSylvestre, J.1, AuthorTanner, D. B.1, AuthorTariq, H.1, AuthorTarallo, M.1, AuthorTaylor, I.1, AuthorTaylor, R.1, AuthorTaylor, R.1, AuthorThorne, K. A.1, AuthorThorne, K. S.1, AuthorTibbits, M.1, AuthorTilav, S.1, AuthorTinto, M.1, AuthorTokmakov, K. V.1, AuthorTorres, C.1, AuthorTorrie, C.1, AuthorTraylor, G.1, AuthorTyler, W.1, AuthorUgolini, D.1, AuthorUngarelli, C.1, AuthorVallisneri, M.1, Authorvan Putten, M.1, AuthorVass, S.1, AuthorVecchio, A.1, AuthorVeitch, J.1, AuthorVorvick, C.1, AuthorVyachanin, S. P.1, AuthorWallace, L.1, AuthorWalther, H.1, AuthorWard, H.1, AuthorWard, R.1, AuthorWare, B.1, AuthorWatts, K.1, AuthorWebber, D.1, AuthorWeidner, A.4, Author           Weiland, U.1, AuthorWeinstein, A.1, AuthorWeiss, R.1, AuthorWelling, H.1, AuthorWen, L.6, AuthorWen, S.1, AuthorWette, K.3, Author           Whelan, John T.5, Author           Whitcomb, S. E.1, AuthorWhiting, B. F.1, AuthorWiley, S.1, AuthorWilkinson, C.1, AuthorWillems, P. A.1, AuthorWilliams, P. R.6, AuthorWilliams, R.1, AuthorWillke, B.4, Author           Wilson, A.1, AuthorWinjum, B. J.1, AuthorWinkler, W.4, Author           Wise, S.1, AuthorWiseman, A. G.1, AuthorWoan, G.1, AuthorWoods, D.1, AuthorWooley, R.1, AuthorWorden, J.1, AuthorWu, W.1, AuthorYakushin, I.1, AuthorYamamoto, H.1, AuthorYoshida, S.5, Author           Zaleski, K. 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K.1, AuthorFujita, R.1, AuthorFukushima, Mitsuhiro1, AuthorFutamase, Toshifumi1, AuthorHamuro, Y.1, AuthorHaruyama, Tomiyoshi1, AuthorHayama, K.3, Author           Iguchi, H.1, AuthorIida, Y.1, AuthorIoka, K.1, AuthorIshitsuka, H.1, AuthorKamikubota, N.1, AuthorKanda, Nobuyuki1, AuthorKaneyama, T.1, AuthorKarasawa, Y.1, AuthorKasahara, K.1, AuthorKasai, T.1, AuthorKatsuki, M.1, AuthorKawamura, Seiji1, AuthorKawamura, M.1, AuthorKawazoe, F.4, Author           Kojima, Yasufumi1, AuthorKokeyama, Keiko1, AuthorKondo, K.1, AuthorKozai, Y.1, AuthorKudoh, H.1, AuthorKuroda, Kazuaki1, AuthorKuwabara, T.1, AuthorMatsuda, N.1, AuthorMio, N.1, AuthorMiura, K.1, AuthorMiyama, S.1, AuthorMiyoki, Shinji1, AuthorMizusawa, H.1, AuthorMoriwaki, S.1, AuthorMusha, M.1, AuthorNagayama, Y.1, AuthorNakagawa, K.1, AuthorNakamura, T.1, AuthorNakano, Hiroyuki1, AuthorNakao, K.1, AuthorNishi, Y.1, AuthorNumata, K.1, AuthorOgawa, Y.1, AuthorOhashi, M.1, AuthorOhishi, N.1, AuthorOkutomi, A.1, AuthorOohara, K.1, AuthorOtsuka, S.1, AuthorSaito, Y.1, AuthorSakata, S.1, AuthorSasaki, M.1, AuthorSato, N.1, AuthorSato, S.1, AuthorSato, Y.1, AuthorSato, K.1, AuthorSekido, A.1, AuthorSeto, N.1, AuthorShibata, Masaru1, AuthorShinkai, H.1, AuthorShintomi, T.1, AuthorSoida, K.1, AuthorSomiya, K.4, Author           Suzuki, T.1, AuthorTagoshi, H.1, AuthorTakahashi, H.1, AuthorTakahashi, R.1, AuthorTakamori, A.1, AuthorTakemoto, S.1, AuthorTakeno, K.1, AuthorTanaka, T.1, AuthorTaniguchi, K.1, AuthorTanji, T.1, AuthorTatsumi, D.1, AuthorTelada, S.1, AuthorTokunari, M.1, AuthorTomaru, T.1, AuthorTsubono, K.1, AuthorTsuda, N.1, AuthorTsunesada, Y.1, AuthorUchiyama, T.1, AuthorUeda, K.1, AuthorUeda, A.1, AuthorWaseda, K.1, AuthorYamamoto, A.1, AuthorYamamoto, K.4, Author           Yamazaki, T.1, AuthorYanagi, Y.1, AuthorYokoyama, J.1, AuthorYoshida, T.1, AuthorZhu, Z. 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1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Hannover, DE, ou_24009              
3Observational Relativity and Cosmology, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Hannover, DE, ou_24011              
4Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Hannover, DE, ou_24010              
5Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Golm, DE, ou_24013              
6AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, Golm, DE, ou_24008              
7Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              




 Dates: 2005-122005
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.122004
eDoc: 250755
 Degree: -



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Title: Physical Review D
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 72 (12) Sequence Number: 122004 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1550-7998