General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, gr-qc
Some of the most interesting results on the global dynamics of solutions of
the vacuum Einstein equations concern the Gowdy spacetimes whose spatial
topology is that of a three-dimensional torus. In this paper certain of these
ideas are extended to a wider class of vacuum spacetimes where the spatial
topology is that of a non-trivial torus bundle over a circle. Compared to the
case of the torus these are topologically twisted. They include inhomogeneous
generalizations of the spatially homogeneous vacuum spacetimes of Bianchi types
II and VI${}_0$. Using similar procedures it is shown that the vacuum solutions
of Bianchi type VII${}_0$ are isometric to a class of Gowdy spacetimes, the
circular loop spacetimes, thus establishing links between results in the
literature which were not previously known to be related to each other.