A story comprehension task wa
s specifically developed for
the clinical diagnosis of text
comprehension deficits. Th
e performance of 49 health
y control participants on quali-
tatively different Yes/No que
stions confirmed that both
salience and explicitness of
information had an impact on question difficulty
. An unselected group of brain damaged
patients (n=96) made more errors, partic
ularly on questions
about implicit informa-
tion. The subgroup of patients with left-h
emispheric vascular aetiology (n=18) had
particular difficulties with stated details, pa
tients with right-hemispheric vascular aetio-
logy (n=12) with implicit main ideas, and
patients with traumatic brain injury (n=34)
were most impaired on
implicit information. Correlati
ons with neurop
sychological test
scores also confirmed that
the questions successfully t
apped different subprocesses of
comprehension. Perform
ance on implicit main ideas was
correlated with tests of exe-
cutive functions, whereas the
performance on the other thre
e question types was corre-
lated with long-term memory
and verbal learning. These resu
lts suggest that the story
comprehension test is a useful diagnostic
tool for neuropsychological assessment.