Infection; Inflammation; Ischemia; Leukocytes; Magnetic resonance imaging
B a c k g r o u n d :
We have recently shown that ischemic stroke
causes a stress-mediator-induced long-lasting immuno-
depressive state in mice.
Using head magnetic
resonance imaging and standardized immunoassays, we
prospectively investigated whether poststroke immuno-
depression is also seen in humans.
Compared to
healthy volunteers (n = 30), a rapid depression of lympho-
cyte counts and a functional deactivation of monocytes and
T helper type 1 cells was observed in acute stroke patients
(SP; n = 40). Immunodepression was more pronounced in
patients with severe clinical deficit or large infarction. On ad-
mission the combination of mono
cytic tumor necrosis factor
release ex vivo and the National Institute of Health Stroke
Scale score were the best predictors for nosocomial infec-
tion, preferentially affecting older SP.
Our data
provide evidence for an immediate suppression of cell-me-
diated immune responses after ischemic stroke in humans.