Free keywords:
Complex systems; Many-particle systems; Multi-agent models; Network theory; Information flows; Socio- and econo-physics; Traffic physics; Biophysics; Biologistics; Living Cells; Self-Organization; Protein Machines; Systems; Model; Dynamics; Individuals; Cooperation; Congestion; Stigmergy
In this special issue, an overview of the Thematic Institute (TI) on Information and Material Flows in Complex Systems is given. The TI was carried out within EXYSTENCE, the first EU Network of Excellence in the area of complex systems. Its motivation, research approach and subjects are presented here. Among the various methods used are many-particle and statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, as well as complex systems, network and control theory. The contributions are relevant for complex systems as diverse as vehicle and data traffic in networks, logistics, production, and material flows in biological systems. The key disciplines involved are socio-, econo-, traffic- and bio-physics, and a new research area that could be called “biologistics”.