Free keywords:
Hydrogen purification; Fuel cell; Preferential CO oxidation; PROX; Platinum, Palladium; Palladium-hydride; Pt/ceria; Pd/CeO2; Ceria; High pressure XPS; In situ DRIFT; TDS; HRTEM
CO removal for fuel cell applications
The CO content of hydrogen feed to proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) must be kept under 1-100 ppm for their proper operation. This can be achieved by using catalysts able to selectively oxidize CO in the presence of excess hydrogen (PROX). The present study reports on the mechanism of PROX reaction on Pt/CeO2 and Pd/CeO2 catalysts, by using catalytic tests, in-situ DRIFTS, high-pressure XPS, HRTEM and TDS techniques.