Calcium waves; Non-linear dynamical systems; Chemical waves Ryanodine receptor adaptation; Reaction-diffusion systems; Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release; Sea-urchin eggs, Xenopus oocytes, Inositol trisphosphate, Endoplasmic-reticulum, Comparative biology, Channel kinetics, Mouse eggs
Waves of calcium ions are present in fertilized eggs of many species. Models for pulse and tidal wave propagation have usually been studied in one or two spatial coordinates only. We examine in three spatial coordinates some established models, based on Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release from both (assumed) continuously or heterogeneously distributed stores of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through channels activated by inositol triphosphate (IP3). With continuous IP3 distribution decreasing radially towards the interior, we obtain concave pulse shapes for waves penetrating the interior. Concave waves are also recorded in systems with ER confined to distributions of small spheres (microdomains) inside the cell, which we simulate for front waves (tides) in bistable systems.