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  First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known Neutron Star

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abernathy, M., Adams, C., et al. (2010). First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known Neutron Star. Astrophysical Journal, 722(2), 1504-1513. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/722/2/1504.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
Abadie, J., Author
Abbott, B. P.1, Author
Abbott, R.1, Author
Abernathy, M.1, Author
Adams, C.1, Author
Adhikari, R.1, Author
Ajith, P.1, Author
Allen, B.2, Author           
Allen, G.1, Author
Ceron, E. Amador1, Author
Amin, R. S.1, Author
Anderson, S. B.1, Author
Anderson, W. G.1, Author
Arain, M. A.1, Author
Araya, M.1, Author
Aronsson, M.1, Author
Aso, Y.1, Author
Aston, S.1, Author
Atkinson, D. E.1, Author
Aufmuth, P.3, Author           Aulbert, C.2, Author           Babak, S.4, Author           Baker, P.1, AuthorBallmer, S.1, AuthorBarker, D.1, AuthorBarnum, S.1, AuthorBarr, B.1, AuthorBarriga, P.1, AuthorBarsotti, L.1, AuthorBarton, M. A.1, AuthorBartos, I.1, AuthorBassiri, R.1, AuthorBastarrika, M.1, AuthorBauchrowitz, J.1, AuthorBehnke, B.1, AuthorBenacquista, M.1, AuthorBertolini, A.1, AuthorBetzwieser, J.1, AuthorBeveridge, N.1, AuthorBeyersdorf, P. T.1, AuthorBilenko, I. A.1, AuthorBillingsley, G.1, AuthorBirch, J.1, AuthorBiswas, R.1, AuthorBlack, E.1, AuthorBlackburn, J. K.1, AuthorBlackburn, L.1, AuthorBlair, D.1, AuthorBland, B.1, AuthorBock, O.1, AuthorBodiya, T. P.1, AuthorBondarescu, R.1, AuthorBork, R.1, AuthorBorn, M.1, AuthorBose, S.1, AuthorBoyle, M.1, AuthorBrady, P. R.1, AuthorBraginsky, V. B.1, AuthorBrau, J. E.1, AuthorBreyer, J.1, AuthorBridges, D. O.1, AuthorBrinkmann, M.1, AuthorBritzger, M.1, AuthorBrooks, A. F.1, AuthorBrown, D. A.1, AuthorBuonanno, A.5, Author           Burguet-Castell, J.1, AuthorBurmeister, O.3, Author           Byer, R. L.1, AuthorCadonati, L.1, AuthorCamp, J. B.1, AuthorCampsie, P.1, AuthorCannizzo, J.1, AuthorCannon, K. C.1, AuthorCao, J.1, AuthorCapano, C.1, AuthorCaride, S.1, AuthorCaudill, S.1, AuthorCavaglia, M.1, AuthorCepeda, C.1, AuthorChalermsongsak, T.1, AuthorChalkley, E.1, AuthorCharlton, P.1, AuthorChelkowski, S.3, Author           Chen, Y.1, AuthorChristensen, N.1, AuthorChua, S. S. Y.1, AuthorChung, C. T. Y.1, AuthorClark, D.1, AuthorClark, J.1, AuthorClayton, J. H.1, AuthorConte, R.1, AuthorCook, D.1, AuthorCorbitt, T. R.1, AuthorCornish, N.1, AuthorCosta, C. A.1, AuthorCoward, D.1, AuthorCoyne, D. C.1, AuthorCreighton, J. D. E.1, AuthorCreighton, T. D.1, AuthorCruise, A. M.1, AuthorCulter, R. M.1, AuthorCumming, A.1, AuthorCunningham, L.1, AuthorDahl, K.1, AuthorDanilishin, S. 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S.1, AuthorFlanigan, M.1, AuthorFlasch, K.1, AuthorFoley, S.1, AuthorForrest, C.1, AuthorForsi, E.1, AuthorFotopoulos, N.1, AuthorFrede, M.1, AuthorFrei, M.1, AuthorFrei, Z.1, AuthorFreise, A.1, AuthorFrey, R.1, AuthorFricke, T.1, AuthorFriedrich, D.1, AuthorFritschel, P.1, AuthorFrolov, V. V.1, AuthorFulda, P.1, AuthorFyffe, M.1, AuthorGarofoli, J. A.1, AuthorGholami, I.1, AuthorGhosh, S.1, AuthorGiaime, J. A.1, AuthorGiampanis, S.1, AuthorGiardina, K. D.1, AuthorGill, C.1, AuthorGoetz, E.1, AuthorGoggin, L. M.1, AuthorGonzalez, G.1, AuthorGorodetsky, M. L.1, AuthorGossler, S.3, Author           Graef, C.1, AuthorGrant, A.1, AuthorGras, S.1, AuthorGray, C.1, AuthorGreenhalgh, R. J. S.1, AuthorGretarsson, A. M.1, AuthorGrosso, R.1, AuthorGrote, H.3, Author           Grunewald, S.1, AuthorGustafson, E. K.1, AuthorGustafson, R.1, AuthorHage, B.1, AuthorHall, P.1, AuthorHallam, J. 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1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2Observational Relativity and Cosmology, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24011              
3Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              
4Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24013              
5Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              




 Dates: 20102010
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Title: Astrophysical Journal
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 722 (2) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 1504 - 1513 Identifier: ISSN: 0004-637X
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828215_2