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  Erratum: "Multi-wavelength observations of the flaring gamma-ray blazar 3C 66A in 2008 October" (2011, ApJ, 726, 43)

Abdo, A. A., Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Baldini, L., Ballet, J., Barbiellini, G., et al. (2011). Erratum: "Multi-wavelength observations of the flaring gamma-ray blazar 3C 66A in 2008 October" (2011, ApJ, 726, 43). The Astrophysical Journal, 731(1): 77, pp. 1-4. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/731/1/77.

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Abdo, A. A., Author
Ackermann, M., Author
Ajello, M., Author
Baldini, L., Author
Ballet, J., Author
Barbiellini, G., Author
Bastieri, D., Author
Bechtol, K., Author
Bellazzini, R., Author
Berenji, B., Author
Blandford, R. D., Author
Bonamente, E., Author
Borgland, A. W., Author
Bouvier, A., Author
Bregeon, J., Author
Brez, A., Author
Brigida, M., Author
Bruel, P., Author
Buehler, R., Author
Buson, S., Author
Caliandro, G. A., AuthorCameron, R. A., AuthorCaraveo, P. A., AuthorCarrigan, S., AuthorCasandjian, J. M., AuthorCavazzuti, E., AuthorCecchi, C., AuthorÇelik, Ö., AuthorCharles, E., AuthorChekhtman, A., AuthorCheung, C. C., AuthorChiang, J., AuthorCiprini, S., AuthorClaus, R., AuthorCohen-Tanugi, J., AuthorConrad, J., AuthorCostamante, L., AuthorCutini, S., AuthorDavis, D. S., AuthorDermer, C. D., Authorde Palma, F., AuthorDigel, S. W., Authordo Couto e Silva, E. , AuthorDrell, P. S., AuthorDubois, R., AuthorDumora, D., AuthorFavuzzi, C., AuthorFegan, S. J., AuthorFortin, P., AuthorFrailis, M., AuthorFuhrmann, L., AuthorFukazawa, Y., AuthorFunk, S., AuthorFusco, P., AuthorGargano, F., AuthorGasparrini, D., AuthorGehrels, N., AuthorGermani, S., AuthorGiglietto, N., AuthorGiommi, P., AuthorGiordano, F., AuthorGiroletti, M., AuthorGlanzman, T., AuthorGodfrey, G., AuthorGrenier, I. A., AuthorGrove, J. E., AuthorGuillemot, L., AuthorGuiriec, S., AuthorHadasch, D., AuthorHayashida, M., AuthorHays, E., AuthorHoran, D., AuthorHughes, R. E., AuthorItoh, R., AuthorJóhannesson, G., AuthorJohnson, A. S., AuthorJohnson, T. J., AuthorJohnson, W. N., AuthorKamae, T., AuthorKatagiri, H., AuthorKataoka, J., AuthorKnödlseder, J., AuthorKuss, M., AuthorLande, J., AuthorLatronico, L., AuthorLee, S.-H., AuthorLongo, F., AuthorLoparco, F., AuthorLott, B., AuthorLovellette, M. N., AuthorLubrano, P., AuthorMakeev, A., AuthorMazziotta, M. N., AuthorMcEnery, J. E., AuthorMehault, J., AuthorMichelson, P. F., AuthorMizuno, T., AuthorMoiseev, A. A., AuthorMonte, C., AuthorMonzani, M. E., AuthorMorselli, A., AuthorMoskalenko, I. V., AuthorMurgia, S., AuthorNakamori, T., AuthorNaumann-Godo, M., AuthorNestoras, I., AuthorNolan, P. L., AuthorNorris, J. P., AuthorNuss, E., AuthorOhsugi, T., AuthorOkumura, A., AuthorOmodei, N., AuthorOrlando, E.1, Author           Ormes, J. F., AuthorOzaki, M., AuthorPaneque, D., AuthorPanetta, J. H., AuthorParent, D., AuthorPelassa, V., AuthorPepe, M., AuthorPesce-Rollins, M., AuthorPiron, F., AuthorPorter, T. A., AuthorRainò, S., AuthorRando, R., AuthorRazzano, M., AuthorReimer, A., AuthorReimer, O., AuthorReyes, L. C., AuthorRipken, J., AuthorRitz, S., AuthorRomani, R. W., AuthorRoth, M., AuthorSadrozinski, H. F.-W., AuthorSanchez, D., AuthorSander, A., AuthorScargle, J. D., AuthorSgrò, C., AuthorShaw, M. S., AuthorSmith, P. D., AuthorSpandre, G., AuthorSpinelli, P., AuthorStrickman, M. S., AuthorSuson, D. J., AuthorTakahashi, H., AuthorTanaka, T., AuthorThayer, J. B., AuthorThayer, J. G., AuthorThompson, D. J., AuthorTibaldo, L., AuthorTorres, D. F., AuthorTosti, G., AuthorTramacere, A., AuthorUsher, T. L., AuthorVandenbroucke, J., AuthorVasileiou, V., AuthorVilchez, N., AuthorVitale, V., AuthorWaite, A. P., AuthorWang, P., AuthorWiner, B. L., AuthorWood, K. 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1High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159890              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2011-04-10
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/731/1/77
 Degree: -



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Title: The Astrophysical Journal
  Abbreviation : Astrophys. J.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 731 (1) Sequence Number: 77 Start / End Page: 1 - 4 Identifier: ISSN: 0004-637x