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  First results on 7Be solar neutrinos from the Borexino real time detector

Arpesella, C., Bellini, G., Benziger, J., Bonetti, S., Caccianiga, B., Calaprice, F., et al. (2008). First results on 7Be solar neutrinos from the Borexino real time detector. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 120(5): 052006, 1-8.

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Arpesella, C.1, Author
Bellini, G.2, Author           
Benziger, J.1, Author
Bonetti, S.1, Author
Caccianiga, B.1, Author
Calaprice, F.1, Author
Dalnoki-Veress, F.2, Author           
D'Angelo, D.1, Author
de Kerret, H.1, Author
Derbin, A.1, Author
Deutsch, M.1, Author
Etenko, A.1, Author
Fomenko, K.1, Author
Ford, R.1, Author
Franco, D.2, Author           
Freudiger, B.2, Author           
Galbiati, C.1, Author
Gazzana, S.1, Author
Giammarchi, M.1, Author
Goeger-Neff, M.1, Author
Goretti, A.1, AuthorGrieb, C.1, AuthorHardy, S.1, AuthorHeusser, G.2, Author           Ianni, Aldo1, AuthorIanni, Andrea1, AuthorJoyce, M.1, AuthorKorga, G.1, AuthorKryn, D.1, AuthorLaubenstein, M.2, Author           Leung, M.1, AuthorLitvinovich, E.1, AuthorLombardi, P.1, AuthorLudhova, L.1, AuthorMachulin, I.1, AuthorManuzio, G.1, AuthorMartemianov, A.1, AuthorMasetti, F.1, AuthorMcCarty, K.1, AuthorMeroni, E.1, AuthorMiramonti, L.1, AuthorMisiaszek, M.1, AuthorMontanari, D.1, AuthorMonzani, M. E.1, AuthorMuratova, V.1, AuthorNiedermeier, L.1, AuthorOberauer, L.1, AuthorObolensky, M.1, AuthorOrtica, F.1, AuthorPallavicini, M.1, AuthorPapp, L.1, AuthorPerasso, L.1, AuthorPocar, A.1, AuthorRaghavan, R. S.1, AuthorRanucci, G.1, AuthorRazeto, A.1, AuthorSabelnikov, A.1, AuthorSalvo, C.1, AuthorSchönert, S.2, Author           Simgen, H.2, Author           Smirnov, O.1, AuthorSkorokhvatov, M.1, AuthorSonnenschein, A.1, AuthorSotnikov, A.1, AuthorSukhotin, S.1, AuthorSuvorov, Y.1, AuthorTarasenkov, V.1, AuthorTartaglia, R.1, AuthorTestera, G.1, AuthorVignaud, D.1, AuthorVitale, S.1, AuthorVogelaar, R. B.1, Authorvon Feilitzsch, F.1, AuthorWojcik, M.2, Author           Zaimidoroga, O.1, AuthorZavatarelli, S.1, AuthorZuzel, G.2, Author           Borexino Collaboration, Editor   more..
1I.N.F.N. Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, Italy Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università degli Studi e INFN, Milano, Italy Princeton University, Chemical Engineering Department, Princeton, NJ, USA RRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie APC, Paris, France St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, Cambridge, MA, USA Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Technische Universität Muenchen, Garching, Germany Virginia Tech, Physics Department, Blacksburg, VA, USA Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università e INFN, Genova, Italy Dipartimento di Chimica dell'universtità e INFN, Perugia, Italy Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, ou_persistent22              
2Division Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904549              


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 Abstract: The Borexino experiment started the data taking may 15th 2007. It is until now the only experiment able to detect in real time neutrino interactions below 2 MeV. This is due to the very high radio-purity reached by the detector, more than one order of magnitude better than the goal of the design. The detector allows the single fluxes of low energy solar neutrinos to be determined from all sources not previously studied: 7Be, pep, CNO and hopefully pp. Here the first measurement of the 7Be, obtained from the first 47.6 live days of data taking, is presented.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2008-07
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
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 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
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Title: International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2007
Place of Event: Sendai, Japan
Start-/End Date: 2007-09-11 - 2007-09-15

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Source 1

Title: Journal of Physics, Conference Series
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 120 (5) Sequence Number: 052006 Start / End Page: 1 - 8 Identifier: -