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Radon activity in the lower troposphere and its impact on ionization rate: A global estimate using different radon emissions


Feichter,  J.
Observations and Process Studies, The Atmosphere in the Earth System, MPI for Meteorology, Max Planck Society;

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Zhang, K., Feichter, J., Kazil, J., Wan, H., Zhuo, W., Griffiths, A., et al. (2011). Radon activity in the lower troposphere and its impact on ionization rate: A global estimate using different radon emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(15), 7817-7838. doi:10.5194/acp-11-7817-2011.

The radioactive decay of radon and its progeny can lead to ionization of air molecules and consequently influence aerosol size distribution. In order to provide a global estimate of the radon-related ionization rate, we use the global atmospheric model ECHAM5 to simulate transport and decay processes of the radioactive tracers. A global radon emission map is put together using regional fluxes reported recently in the literature. Near-surface radon concentrations simulated with this new map compare well with measurements. Radon-related ionization rate is calculated and compared to that caused by cosmic rays. The contribution of radon and its progeny clearly exceeds that of the cosmic rays in the mid-and low-latitude land areas in the surface layer. During cold seasons, at locations where high concentration of sulfuric acid gas and low temperature provide potentially favorable conditions for nucleation, the coexistence of high ionization rate may help enhance the particle formation processes. This suggests that it is probably worth investigating the impact of radon-induced ionization on aerosol-climate interaction in global models. © 2011 Author(s).