Hilfe Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Predicting Display Visibility Under Dynamically Changing Lighting Conditions


Aydin,  Tunc O.
Max Planck Society;


Myszkowski,  Karol       
Computer Graphics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Seidel,  Hans-Peter       
Computer Graphics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;

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Aydin, T. O., Myszkowski, K., & Seidel, H.-P. (2009). Predicting Display Visibility Under Dynamically Changing Lighting Conditions. In Eurographics 2009 (pp. 173-182). Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley.

Display devices, more than ever, are finding their ways into electronic
consumer goods as a result of recent trends in providing more functionality and
user interaction. Combined with the new developments in display technology
towards higher reproducible luminance range, the
mobility and variation in capability of display devices are constantly
increasing. Consequently, in real life usage it is now very likely that the
display emission to be distorted by spatially and temporally varying
reflections, and the observer's visual system to be not adapted to the
particular display that she is viewing at that moment. The actual perception of
the display content cannot be fully understood by only considering steady-state
illumination and adaptation conditions. We propose an objective method for
display visibility analysis formulating the problem as a full-reference image
quality assessment problem, where the display emission under ``ideal''
conditions is used as the reference for real-life conditions. Our work includes
a human visual system model that accounts for maladaptation and temporal
recovery of sensitivity. As an example application we integrate our method to a
global illumination simulator and analyze the visibility of a car interior
display under realistic lighting conditions.