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Exact Arrangements on Tori and Dupin Cyclides


Berberich,  Eric
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Kerber,  Michael
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;

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Berberich, E., & Kerber, M. (2008). Exact Arrangements on Tori and Dupin Cyclides. In E. Haines, & M. McGuire (Eds.), Proceedings SPM 2008: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium (pp. 59-66). New York, NY: ACM.

An algorithm and implementation is presented to compute the exact arrangement induced by arbitrary algebraic surfaces on a parametrized ring Dupin cyclide. The family of Dupin cyclides contains as a special case the torus. The intersection of an algebraic surface of degree $n$ with a reference cyclide is represented as a real algebraic curve of bi-degree $(2n,2n)$ in the two-dimensional parameter space of the cyclide. We use Eigenwillig and Kerber: ``Exact and Efficient 2D-Arrangements of Arbitrary Algebraic Curves'', SODA~2008, to compute a planar arrangement of such curves and extend their approach to obtain more asymptotic information about curves approaching the boundary of the cyclide's parameter space. With that, we can base our implementation on the general software framework by Berberich~et.~al.: ``Sweeping and Maintaining Two-Dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step'', ESA~2007. Our contribution provides the demanded techniques to model the special geometry of surfaces intersecting a cyclide and the special topology of the reference surface of genus one. The contained implementation is complete and does not assume generic position. Our experiments show that the combinatorial overhead of the framework does not harm the efficiency of the method. Our experiments show that the overall performance is strongly coupled to the efficiency of the implementation for arrangements of algebraic plane curves.