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Decision Making in an Economy Exploiting Fuzzy Rules Obtained from a Genetic Algorithm


Hopf,  Jörn
Programming Logics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;


Rau,  Rainer
Programming Logics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;

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Hopf, J., & Rau, R. (1996). Decision Making in an Economy Exploiting Fuzzy Rules Obtained from a Genetic Algorithm. In M. Jamshidi, M. Fathi, & F. Pierrot (Eds.), Soft Computing with Industrial Applications (pp. 331-336). Albuquerque, USA: TSI Press.

This paper describes the development of a fuzzy controller for a cybernetic system with emphasis on the generation of the required knowledge base. A cybernetic system in this context means a dynamic system consisting of several domains that interfere with each other. Despite the fact that the overall situation in the system results from the situations in {\sl all} the domains, it can only be influenced from the outside through {\sl some} domains. The actions that can be performed are also restricted. The algorithm does not require or use any knowledge of the meaning of the domains that would enable any ranking. Based on the model of a cybernetic game called ``\"Okolopoly'', it will be shown that it is possible to generate the rule base of a fuzzy controller without encoding previously gained knowledge, but simply with the help of a genetic algorithm.