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Review of: International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science. Vol. 14: Copyright and Industrial Property. Eugen Ulmer, Chief Ed. (Chaps. 2/3: Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker, Chief Eds.) Tübingen: Mohr; Dordrecht, Bosten, Lancaster: Nijhoff (1983-1990) Chap. 1: Eugen Ulmer: General Questions - The International Conventions, (1987) 40 Seiten Chap. 2: Stig Strömholm: Copyright - Na-tional and International Development / Chap. 3: Stig Strömholm: Copyright - Comparason of Laws, (1990) 102 Seiten Chap. 6: Stojan Pretnar: Inventors' Certificates, Rationalization Proposals and Discoveries, (1983) 63 Seiten, RabelsZ 1992, 369 ff.

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Hilty, R. M. (1992). Review of: International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science. Vol. 14: Copyright and Industrial Property. Eugen Ulmer, Chief Ed. (Chaps. 2/3: Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker, Chief Eds.) Tübingen: Mohr; Dordrecht, Bosten, Lancaster: Nijhoff (1983-1990) Chap. 1: Eugen Ulmer: General Questions - The International Conventions, (1987) 40 Seiten Chap. 2: Stig Strömholm: Copyright - Na-tional and International Development / Chap. 3: Stig Strömholm: Copyright - Comparason of Laws, (1990) 102 Seiten Chap. 6: Stojan Pretnar: Inventors' Certificates, Rationalization Proposals and Discoveries, (1983) 63 Seiten, RabelsZ 1992, 369 ff. Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, 56(2), 369-371.

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