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Catalogue of type-material of the insect order Phasmatodea, housed in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany and in the Institut für Zoologie der Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (Saale), Germany


Zompro,  Oliver
Working Group Tropical Ecology, Max Planck Institute for Limnology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Zompro, O. (2005). Catalogue of type-material of the insect order Phasmatodea, housed in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany and in the Institut für Zoologie der Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (Saale), Germany. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin - Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 52(2), 251-290. doi:10.1002/mmnd.200410018.

A catalogue of the type-material of the insect order Phasmatodea housed in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany, and in the collection of the Institut für Zoologie der Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle (Saale), Germany is published. The collection in Berlin contains types of more than 280 species and is especially strong in material of New Guinea, described by Bragg, Brunner v. Wattenwyl, Charpentier, Fritzsche, Gerstäcker, Günther, Hennemann, Karsch, Pictet, Redtenbacher, Rehn, Schaum, Sjöstedt, Westwood and Zompro. The catalogue includes the specimens from Baltic amber described by Pictet & Berendt (1854), housed in the Palaeontological Institute of the museum. The collection in Halle contains types of eight species, which are all described by Burmeister. A lectotype is designated for Cuniculina obnoxia Brunner v. W., 1907. New synonyms are: Cuniculina modesta Brunner v. W., 1907, of Clitumnus lobipes Brunner v. W., 1907, and Parapachymorpha quadrispinosa Hennemann, Gehler & Conle, 1995 of Clitumnus spiniger Brunner v. W., 1907. Two new African genera and species of Phasmatodea: Bacillidae: Antongilliinae, Ulugurucharax uluguruensis n. gen. n. sp. and Tuberculatocharax fritzsicki n. gen. n. sp. are described for the first time. Tuberculatocharax n. gen. is the only genus of Tuberculatocharacini n. trib., which is characterized by the reduction of the profemoral area apicalis. Beside two genera of Bacillini (Bacilloidea: Bacillidae), this is the only case known in Phasmatodea.