Konthur, Z. In vitro Ligand Screening (Zoltán Konthur), Dept. of Vertebrate Genomics (Head: Hans Lehrach), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Max Planck Society;
39.1.full.pdf (Any fulltext), 60KB
Marklein, B., Konthur, Z., Häupl, T., Shlomchik, M., Burmester, G., & Skriner, K. (2011). Toll-like receptor (TLR-7/9), MYOD88, TIR8, dependent and independent autoantigens. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 69(Suppl 2), A1-A76. doi:10.1136/ard.2010.129627j.