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Journal Article

Cohesin SMC1β protects telomeres in meiocytes


Adelfalk,  Caroline
Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics (Head: Hans-Hilger Ropers), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Max Planck Society;

Liebe,  Bodo
Max Planck Society;


Scherthan,  Harry
Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics (Head: Hans-Hilger Ropers), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Max Planck Society;

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Adelfalk, C., Janschek, J., Revenkova, E., Blei, C., Liebe, B., Göb, E., et al. (2009). Cohesin SMC1β protects telomeres in meiocytes. Journal of Cell Biology, 187(2), 185-199. doi:10.1083/jcb.200808016.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0010-7D02-4
Meiosis-specific mammalian cohesin SMC1β is required for complete sister chromatid cohesion and proper axes/loop structure of axial elements (AEs) and synaptonemal complexes (SCs). During prophase I, telomeres attach to the nuclear envelope (NE), but in Smc1β–/– meiocytes, one fifth of their telomeres fail to attach. This study reveals that SMC1β serves a specific role at telomeres, which is independent of its role in determining AE/SC length and loop extension. SMC1β is necessary to prevent telomere shortening, and SMC3, present in all known cohesin complexes, properly localizes to telomeres only if SMC1β is present. Very prominently, telomeres in Smc1β–/– spermatocytes and oocytes loose their structural integrity and suffer a range of abnormalities. These include disconnection from SCs and formation of large telomeric protein–DNA extensions, extended telomere bridges between SCs, ring-like chromosomes, intrachromosomal telomeric repeats, and a reduction of SUN1 foci in the NE. We suggest that a telomere structure protected from DNA rearrangements depends on SMC1β.