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Coupling of chromatography and crystallization to separate enantiomers


Seidel-Morgenstern,  A.
Physical and Chemical Foundations of Process Engineering, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Max Planck Society;
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, External Organizations;

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Seidel-Morgenstern, A. (2008). Coupling of chromatography and crystallization to separate enantiomers. Talk presented at Verfahrenstechnisches Kolloquium. TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. 2008-11-06 - 2008-11-06.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0013-945C-5
Due to the improved availability of selective stationary phases and recent developments of more productive operating modes, the number of applications of chiral preparative chromatography has been increased in the last years. In parallel, there are new concepts available enlarging the potential of enantioselective crystallization processes. Selected new developments in both field will be presented in the lecture. The main part of the lecture will deal with the concept of coupling both chromatography and crystallisation. It will be shown that such a coupling has the potential to further improve enantioseparation.