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Cultural Heritage: From Library Shelves to Network Residents


Kleinfercher,  Friederike
Innovations, Max Planck Digital Library, Max Planck Society;

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Kleinfercher, F. (2009). Cultural Heritage: From Library Shelves to Network Residents. Talk presented at CULTURAL HERITAGE on line Empowering users: an active role for user communities. Florence, Italy. 2009-12-15 - 2009-12-16.

In the context of the eSciDoc project, the Max Planck Digital Library and the FIZ Karlsruhe are building an e-research environment for multi-disciplinary scientific research organizations. Based on the eSciDoc infrastructure, several solutions for the end-user will be developed and provided as open source software. One of them is ViRR (Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht), a solution to support collaborative and interdisciplinary research on text resources like manuscripts or books. A user-centred approach was applied to define necessary functionalities and adequate graphical user interfaces. ViRR provides several smaller flexible tools in one web interface for the creation and enrichment of metadata, for the modelling of the structure of a work and for the enhancement of the collection with related resources such as annotations and transcriptions. One of them is a configurable online editor for defining the structure of the digitized work in accordance with the structure of the original resource. This paper will give an overview of the ViRR solution which was developed to support researchers from different backgrounds working together on text resources. Additionally, we will outline eSciDoc, the underlying infrastructure of the ViRR solution.