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1H MRS in the human spinal cord at 7T using a combined RF shimming and travelling wave transmit approach

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Henning, A., Koning, W., Fuchs, A., Raaijmakers, A., Bluemink, J., MacMillan, E., et al. (2012). 1H MRS in the human spinal cord at 7T using a combined RF shimming and travelling wave transmit approach. In 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012).

Due to its non-invasive nature 1H MRS is of specific benefit to study alterations of biochemical processes in human spinal cord (SC) pathologies where performing biopsies is perilous. However, the finite size and deep location of the human SC limit the obtainable SNR at field strengths < 3T. Hence 1H MRS of the human SC at 7T is introduced to tackle the intrinsic SNR and spectral resolution problems and increase the number of quantifiable metabolites. A dual-channel RF shimming and travelling wave transmit approach is combined with adiabatic inner -volume saturated localization and a 30-channel receive array to obtain optimal SNR.