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Conference Paper

Tuning Models of Pilot Tracking Behavior for a Specific Simulator Motion Cueing Setting

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Pool, D., Damveld, H., van Paassen, M., & Mulder, M. (2011). Tuning Models of Pilot Tracking Behavior for a Specific Simulator Motion Cueing Setting. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference 2011 (pp. 219-234). Red Hook, NY, USA: Curran.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0013-BAE6-E
This paper describes the preliminary results of an effort to compile data from a large number of studies that investigated the effects of variations in motion filter settings on pilot behavior. The main objective of this study is to formulate a set of mathematical rules that will allow for the tuning of behavioral pilot models to a certain motion cueing setting. To achieve this, data for different dependent measures such as tracking performance, pilot-vehicle system crossover frequencies, and pilot model parameters, taken from ten different experiments that considered pilot tracking behavior under varying rotational or translational motion cueing settings, has been combined. By checking the correlation of the variation in any of these dependent measures and parameters that quantify the applied variation in motion cueing, a number of consistent relations has been identified. The most consistent and clear effects that are found from this analysis are variations in some important dependent measures with the motion filter gain at 1 rad/s. Over the full range of motion filter gains at 1 rad/s from 0 to 1, a reduction in pilot visual gain of around 20 is observed with reducing motion filter gain, in combination with a 30 increase in the amount of visual lead equalization adopted by pilots.