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Image Processing and Behaviour Planning for Intelligent Vehicles

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Bücher, T., Curio, C., Edelbrunner, J., Igel, C., Kastrup, D., Leefken, I., et al. (2003). Image Processing and Behaviour Planning for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 90(1), 62-75. doi:10.1109/TIE.2002.807650.

Since the potential of soft-computing for driver
assistance systems has been recognized, much effort has been spent in the development of appropriate techniques for robust lane detection, object classification, tracking, and
representation of task relevant objects. For such systems in order to be able to perform their tasks the environment must be sensed by one or more sensors. Usually a complex processing, fusion, and interpretation of the sensor data is
required and imposes a modular architecture for the overall system. In this paper, we present specific approaches considering the main components of such systems. We concentrate on image processing as the main source of relevant object information, representation and fusion of data that might arise from different sensors, and behaviour planning and generation as a basis for autonomous driving. Within our system components most paradigms of soft-computing are employed; in this article we focus on Kalman-Filtering
for sensor fusion, Neural Field dynamics for behaviour generation, and Evolutionary Algorithms for optimization of parts of the system.
Keywords: Driver Assistance Systems, Real-time com
puter vision, vehicle and lane Detection, pedestrian recognition, context based object recognition, data representation, behaviour planning and generation, intelligent vehicles