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Temporal adaptation and the role of temporal contiguity in spatial behavior


Cunningham,  DW
Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;


Chatziastros,  A
Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;


von der Heyde,  M
Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;


Bülthoff,  HH
Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;

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Cunningham, D., Chatziastros, A., von der Heyde, M., & Bülthoff, H.(2000). Temporal adaptation and the role of temporal contiguity in spatial behavior (85). Tübingen, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics.

Rapid and accurate interaction with the world requires that proper spatial and temporal alignment between sensory modalities be maintained. The introduction of a misalignment (either spatial or temporal) impairs performance on most spatial tasks. For over a century, it has been known that a few minutes of exposure to a spatial
misalignment can induce a recalibration of intersensory spatial relationships, a phenomenon called Spatial Adaptation. Here, we present evidence that the
sensorimotor system can also adapt to intersensory temporal misalignments, a phenomena that we call Temporal Adaptation. Temporal Adaptation is striking parallel to Spatial Adaptation, and has strong implications for the understanding of spatial cognition and intersensory integration.