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Metal accumulation in tobacco expressing Arabidopsis halleri metal hyperaccumulation gene depends on external supply


Kraemer,  U.
Metal Homeostasis, Cooperative Research Groups, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Hanikenne,  M.
Metal Homeostasis, Cooperative Research Groups, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Barabasz, A., Kraemer, U., Hanikenne, M., Rudzka, J., & Antosiewicz, D. M. (2010). Metal accumulation in tobacco expressing Arabidopsis halleri metal hyperaccumulation gene depends on external supply. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(11), 3057-3067. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2004.03.112.

Engineering enhanced transport of zinc to the aerial parts of plants is a major goal in bio-fortification. In Arabidopsis halleri, high constitutive expression of the AhHMA4 gene encoding a metal pump of the P-1B-ATPase family is necessary for both Zn hyperaccumulation and the full extent of Zn and Cd hypertolerance that are characteristic of this species. In this study, an AhHMA4 cDNA was introduced into N. tabacum var. Xanthi for expression under the control of its endogenous A. halleri promoter known to confer high and cell-type specific expression levels in both A. halleri and the non-hyperaccumulator A. thaliana. The transgene was expressed at similar levels in both roots and shoots upon long-term exposure to low Zn, control, and increased Zn concentrations. A down-regulation of AhHMA4 transcript levels was detected with 10 mu M Zn resupply to tobacco plants cultivated in low Zn concentrations. In general, a transcriptional regulation of AhHMA4 in tobacco contrasted with the constitutively high expression previously observed in A. halleri. Differences in root/shoot partitioning of Zn and Cd between transgenic lines and the wild type were strongly dependent on metal concentrations in the hydroponic medium. Under low Zn conditions, an increased Zn accumulation in the upper leaves in the AhHMA4-expressing lines was detected. Moreover, transgenic plants exposed to cadmium accumulated less metal than the wild type. Both modifications of zinc and cadmium accumulation are noteworthy outcomes from the biofortification perspective and healthy food production. Expression of AhHMA4 may be useful in crops grown on soils poor in Zn.