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Signal perception and intracellular signal transduction in plant pathogen defense


Zimmermann,  S.
Plant Signalling, Cooperative Research Groups, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Nurnberger, T., Wirtz, W., Nennstiel, D., Hahlbrock, K., Jabs, T., Zimmermann, S., et al. (1997). Signal perception and intracellular signal transduction in plant pathogen defense. In 7th Swiss Workshop of Methodology in Receptor Research (pp. 127-136).

Disease resistance in plant/pathogen interactions requires sensitive and specific recognition mechanisms for pathogen-derived signals in plants. Cultured parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cells respond to treatment with a crude cell wall preparation derived from the phytopathogenic fungus Phytophthora sojae with transcriptional activation of the same set of defense-related genes as are activated in parsley leaves upon infection with fungal spores. A 13 amino acid core sequence (Pep-13) of a 42 kDa fungal cell wall glycoprotein was identified which stimulates the same responses as the crude cell wall elicitor, namely macroscopic Ca2+ and H+-influxes, effluxes of K+- and Cl- ions, production of active oxygen species (oxidative burst), defense-related gene activation, and formation of antifungal phytoalexins. Using [I-125]Tyr-Pep-13 as ligand in binding assays, a single-class high-affinity binding site in parsley microsomal membranes and protoplasts could be detected. Binding was specific, saturable, and reversible. By chemical crosslinking, a 91 kDa parsley plasma membrane protein was identified to be the receptor of the peptide elicitor. Isolation of this receptor protein involved in pathogen defense in plants is under way.