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Temporal dynamics of stimulated emission


Reichegger,  Andreas
Division Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society,;

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Reichegger, A. (2013). Temporal dynamics of stimulated emission. Master Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.

This work is dedicated to the investigation of the temporal dynamics of stimulated emission. In contrast to the usual textbook description we investigate this quantum mechanical amplification process in a time-resolved model where an initially excited atom interacts with a single-photon wave packet. Based on the formalism for the quantised description of the atom-field-interaction inside a cavity we use the comparison of the intensities from three different models to study the temporal dynamics. We find the result that based on stimulated emission a photon will be emitted directly during the interaction with an exciting pulse. Furthermore, we identify signatures for this process in the intensity profile which will be of central importance for the experimental observation in the nuclear regime. In order to estimate the rate of stimulated emission for nuclear transitions we use a model based on the excitation of nuclear collective states, where the stimulation is achieved by a sequence of two pulses. We present the results for the number of emitted photons due to stimulated emission in dependence of the relevant laser parameters.