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Conference Paper

Walk'n'Merge: A Scalable Algorithm for Boolean Tensor Factorization


Miettinen,  Pauli
Databases and Information Systems, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society;

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Erdős, D., & Miettinen, P. (2013). Walk'n'Merge: A Scalable Algorithm for Boolean Tensor Factorization. In IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 1037-1042). Piscadaway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICDM.2013.141.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0015-1A48-B
Tensors are becoming increasingly common in data mining, and consequently, tensor factorizations are becoming more important tools for data miners. When the data is binary, it is natural to ask if we can factorize it into binary factors while simultaneously making sure that the reconstructed tensor is still binary. Such factorizations, called Boolean tensor factorizations, can provide improved interpretability and find Boolean structure that is hard to express using normal factorizations. Unfortunately the algorithms for computing Boolean tensor factorizations do not usually scale well. In this paper we present a novel algorithm for finding Boolean CP and Tucker decompositions of large and sparse binary tensors. In our experimental evaluation we show that our algorithm can handle large tensors and accurately reconstructs the latent Boolean structure.