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Journal Article

Direct observation of electron doping in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 using x-ray absorption spectroscopy


Mitra,  C.
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;


Wirth,  S.
Steffen Wirth, Physics of Correlated Matter, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Mitra, C., Hu, Z., Raychaudhuri, P., Wirth, S., Csiszar, S. I., Hsieh, H. H., et al. (2003). Direct observation of electron doping in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 using x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 67(9), 092404-1-092404-3. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.67.092404.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0015-301A-7
We report an x-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) study on thin films of La0.7Ce0.3MnO3. The measurements clearly show that the cerium is in the Ce(IV) valence state, and that the manganese is present in a mixture of Mn2+ and Mn3+ valence states. These data demonstrate that La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 is an electron-doped colossal magnetoresistive manganite, a finding that may open up opportunities for device applications as well as for further research on the colossal magnetoresistance phenomenon in these materials.