Cramer, P. Department of Molecular Biology, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Max Planck Society; (Verlagsversion)
1936390.pdf (Verlagsversion), 14MB
1936390-Suppl-1.pdf (Ergänzendes Material), 2MB
1936390-Suppl-2.xls (Ergänzendes Material), 29KB
1936390-Suppl-3.xls (Ergänzendes Material), 2MB
Seizl, M., Larivière, L., Pfaffeneder, T., Wenzeck, L., & Cramer, P. (2011). Mediator head subcomplex Med11/22 contains a common helix bundle building block with a specific function in transcription initiation complex stabilization. Nucleic Acids Research, 39(14), 6291-6304. doi:10.1093/nar/gkr229.