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Journal Article

Evolution of the Fermi Surface and Quasiparticle Renormalization through a van Hove Singularity in Sr2−yLayRuO4

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Shen, K. M., Kikugawa, N., Bergemann, C., Balicas, L., Baumberger, F., Meevasana, W., et al. (2007). Evolution of the Fermi Surface and Quasiparticle Renormalization through a van Hove Singularity in Sr2−yLayRuO4. Physical Review Letters, 99(18): 187001, pp. 1-4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.187001.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0018-F1FB-9
We employ a combination of chemical substitution and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy to prove that the Fermi level in the gamma band of Sr2-gamma La gamma RuO4 can be made to traverse a van Hove singularity. Remarkably, the large mass renormalization has little dependence on either k or doping. By combining the results from photoemission with thermodynamic measurements on the same batches of crystals, we deduce a parametrization of the full many-body quasiparticle dispersion in Sr2RuO4 which extends from the Fermi level to approximately 20 meV above it.