Single crystals of the intermetallic compound Ce4,8Ga3,2 (“Ce3Ga2”) have been prepared by slow cooling of a molten stoichiometric liquid sample from 900 °C. The crystal structure has been studied by means of single-crystal methods (automatic four-circle diffractometer, MoKα, 389 reflections, R = 0.035): space group P4/ncc, Z = 4, a = 8.066(3), View the MathML source. The Ce4.8Ga3.2 structure is a substitutional variant of the Ba5Si3 structure type. The coordination numbers of atoms are 9 for gallium, 13 and 16 for cerium. The shortest interatomic distances: Ce-Ce, 3.396; Ce-Ga, 3.180; Ga-Ga, 2.670 Å. The relationships between the Ce4.8Ga3.2 structure and Cr5B3, Ba5Si3, U3Si2, Mo2FeB2, Gd3Al2, Zr3Al2 and Al2Cu structure types are discussed.