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Journal Article

Crystal Structure of CaCu0.15Ga3.85 — A New Variant of the BaAl4 Structure Type: Structure Analysis from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data

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Grin, Y., Ellner, M., Predel, B., & Baumgartner, B. (1995). Crystal Structure of CaCu0.15Ga3.85 — A New Variant of the BaAl4 Structure Type: Structure Analysis from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 114(2), 342-345. doi:10.1006/jssc.1995.1053.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0019-90AC-D
The new intermetallic compound CaCu0.15Ga3.85, was found during the investigation of the stability of the BaAl4 structure type in ternary gallium-containing systems. The crystal structure has been investigated by means of a powder diffraction technique. The experimental diffraction data set has been obtained by the use of a Ge(111) primary monochromator and a linear position sensitive detector. The sample was measured in transmission mode using CuK alpha(1), radiation in the range from 10 degrees to 130 degrees in 2 theta with a step width of 0.02 degrees. Unit cell parameters have been determined by means of automatic indexing and refined from the diffraction angles of 45 reflections: monoclinic system, a = 11.5741(2) Angstrom, b = 4.2264(1) Angstrom, c = 4.3573(1) Angstrom, beta = 110.499(1)degrees, V = 199.65(1) Angstrom(3), space group C2/m. Full profile refinement of coordinate and anisotropic thermal displacement parameters led to the residual values R(I) = 0.058 and R(P) = 0.155 for all 193 reflections possible in the range measured. The final values of the atomic coordinates are as follows: 2Ca in 2(a) 0 0 0, B-eq = 1.0(2) Angstrom(2); 4(Ga0.962Cu0.038)1 in 4(i) x0z, x = 0.3858(1), z = 0.4099(5), B-eq = 0.50(7) Angstrom(2); 4(Ga0.962Cu0.038)2 in 4(i), x = 0.2524(2), z = 0.7764(4), B-eq = 0.66(7) Angstrom(2). Atomic coordination numbers are 20 for Ca, 9 for (Ga0.962Cu0.038)1, and 12 for (Ga(0.96)2Cu(0.038))2. The shortest interatomic distances are observed between gallium (copper) atoms: 2.485, 2.568, 2.605, and 2.655 Angstrom. The structure of CaCu0.15Ga3.85 is the first representative of a new structure type and is described as a distorted variant of the BaAl4 structure type: (a, b, c)(CaCu0.15Ga3.85) = (a, b, c)(BaAl4) x (1, 0, 1; 1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0). Isotypic compounds were found in the ternary systems {Ca, Yb}-{Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au}-Ga. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.