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Journal Article

Oligomere Tetraeder-Anionen in Borophosphaten: Sechserringe mit offenen und cyclischen Phosphat-Verzweigungen in der Kristallstruktur von K6Cu2[B4P8O28(OH)6]

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Boy, I., Cordier, G., & Kniep, R. (1998). Oligomere Tetraeder-Anionen in Borophosphaten: Sechserringe mit offenen und cyclischen Phosphat-Verzweigungen in der Kristallstruktur von K6Cu2[B4P8O28(OH)6]. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Section B-A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 53(12), 1440-1444.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0019-BE4A-2
Crystals of K6Cu2[B4P8O28(OH)(6)]were grown under hydrothermal conditions at 160 ?C. The crystal structure (monoclinic. P 2(1)/c (Nr. 14), a = 961.8(1), b = 1755.0(1), c = 942.0(1) pm, beta = 112.29(1)?, Z = 2) contains oligomeric tetrahedral anions based on six-membered rings {B4P2O10O8/2} with additional branchings by hydrogen phosphate-groups (open branching: 4 x HPO3O1/2; cyclic branching: 2 x HPO2O2/2). The complex borophosphate anion is represented by the formula [B4P8O28(OH)(6)](10-). Cu2+ is in a tetragonal pyramidal and K+ in an irregular coordination by eight and nine oxygen ligands, respectively.