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Journal Article

Heavy fermions and superconductivity: ten years after

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Steglich, F. (1989). Heavy fermions and superconductivity: ten years after. Europhysics News, 20(11-12), 159-162.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0019-CF9B-1
In the ten years since 1979 when superconductivity was discovered below Tccong0.6 K for the compound CeCu 2Si 2. Heavy-fermion systems have provided a number of exciting phenomena which were quite unexpected within traditional concepts of metal physics. They allow one to investigate, for example, how band magnetism develops in a material characterized at elevated temperatures by a dense array of local moments. In addition, they are ideal testing grounds for models concerned with superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems and they may have some impact on the future understanding of the phenomenon of high- Tc superconductivity in Cu-oxides.