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Journal Article

Possible formation of a nonuniform superconducting state in the heavy-fermion compound UPd2Al3

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Gloos, K., Modler, R., Schimanski, H., Bredl, C. D., Geibel, C., Steglich, F., et al. (1993). Possible formation of a nonuniform superconducting state in the heavy-fermion compound UPd2Al3. Physical Review Letters, 70(4), 501-504. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.501.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0019-D726-C
Thermal expansion of magnetostriction measurements on single crystalline UPd2Al3, a very clean, strongly Pauli-limited, heavy-fermion superconductor (T(c) congruent-to 1.82 K), have been utilized to establish a first-order transition at T less-than-or-equal-to T congruent-to 1.5 K and B < B(c2)(T). This is ascribed to the hitherto unobserved formation of a nonuniform superconducting state, as predicted theoretically in 1963.