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Specific heat of Ca0.32Na0.68Fe2As2 single crystals: Unconventional s+/- multiband superconductivity with intermediate repulsive interband coupling and sizable attractive intraband couplings


Rosner,  H.
Helge Rosner, Physics of Correlated Matter, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Johnston, S., Abdel-Hafiez, M., Harnagea, L., Grinenko, V., Bombor, D., Krupskaya, Y., et al. (2014). Specific heat of Ca0.32Na0.68Fe2As2 single crystals: Unconventional s+/- multiband superconductivity with intermediate repulsive interband coupling and sizable attractive intraband couplings. Physical Review B, 89(13): 134507, pp. 1-11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.89.134507.

We report a low-temperature specific heat study of high-quality single crystals of the heavily hole-doped superconductor Ca0.32Na0.68Fe2As2. This compound exhibits bulk superconductivity with a transition temperature T-c approximate to 34 K, which is evident from the magnetization, transport, and specific heat measurements. The zero-field data manifest a significant electronic specific heat in the normal state with a Sommerfeld coefficient gamma approximate to 53 mJ/mol K-2. Using a multiband Eliashberg analysis, we demonstrate that the dependence of the zero-field specific heat in the superconducting state is well described by a three-band model with an unconventional s(+/-) pairing symmetry and gap magnitudes Delta(i) of approximately 2.35, 7.48, and -7.50 meV. Our analysis indicates a non-negligible attractive intraband coupling, which contributes significantly to the relatively high value of T-c. The Fermi surface averaged repulsive and attractive coupling strengths are of comparable size and outside the strong coupling limit frequently adopted for describing high-T-c iron pnictide superconductors. We further infer a total mass renormalization of the order of five, including the effects of correlations and electron-boson interactions.