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El Niño-Southern Oscillation related fluctuations of the marine carbon cycle

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Winguth, A. E., Heimann, M., Kurz, K. D., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., & Segschneider, a. J. (1994). El Niño-Southern Oscillation related fluctuations of the marine carbon cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8(1), 39-63. doi:10.1029/93GB03134.

We investigate the response of a three-dimensional ocean circulation
model (Hamburg LSG) coupled on-line with an oceanic carbon cycle model
(HAMOCC-3) to E1 Nifio-SouthernO scillation( ENSO) inducedf luctuationso f the
wind field. During E1 Nifio 1982/1983, when upwelling and biological productivity
in the equatorial Pacific were strongly reduced and sea surface temperatures were
increased, the oceanic C02 partial pressure in this region decreased significantly.
Consequentlyin, 1982/1983t he C02 flux from the tropicalo ceani nto the atmosphere
was reduced. However, in 1983 the interannual deviations from the long-term trend
in atmospheric C02 showed in January low and in December high values with
a total shift by more then 1.4 GtC. The model simulation supports the oceanic
measurements and predicts a temporary uptake of 0.6 GtC during the ENSO year
1983. We conclude that the concurrent release of C02 from the land biosphere must
have been about 2 GtC.