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Journal Article

Ultrafast electron dynamics at water covered alkali adatoms adsorbed on Cu(111)


Meyer,  Michael
Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin;
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Wolf,  Martin
Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin;
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Meyer, M., Agarwal, I., Wolf, M., & Bovensiepen, U. (2015). Ultrafast electron dynamics at water covered alkali adatoms adsorbed on Cu(111). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(13), 8441-8448. doi:10.1039/C4CP05356G.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0024-BC31-2
Here we report on the ultrafast electron dynamics of the alkalis Na, K, and Cs coadsorbed with D2O on Cu(111) surfaces, which we investigated with femtosecond time-resolved two-photon photoemission. The well known transient electronic binding energy stabilization in bare adsorbed alkalis is enhanced by the presence of water which acts as a solvent and increases the transient energy gain. We observe for all adsorbed alkalis a transient binding energy stabilization of 100–300 meV. The stabilization rates range from 1 to 2 eV ps-1. Here the heavier alkali exhibits a slower stabilization which we explain by their weaker static alkali–water interaction observed in thermal desorption spectroscopy. The population dynamics at low water coverage is described by a single exponential. With increasing water coverage the behavior becomes non-exponential suggesting an additional excited state due to electron solvation